A/N: You cannot, comprehend the level of cringe I felt writing this. It has 10000% taken the cake for the singly MOST cringy thing I've ever written.
Enjoy ♡
The moment Seonghwa finished handover, he had never moved so fast in all his life.
Not even bothering to change, he grabbed only the essentials: keys, wallet, and phone.
Walking, then jogging; walking, then jogging, Seonghwa briskly made it to the west wing, but the moment he did, his eyes couldn't find that red head of hair.
Spilling out into the open, he glanced around. Was he here?
He'd been only just about to pull his phone out when suddenly, a smiling, teasing face caught his attention, and Seonghwa's jaw dropped.
'Hongjoong...' he breathed, though not loud enough for anyone to hear. Striding forth, he crossed the distance between them in a heartbeat, sweeping him into his arms.
'I almost thought you wouldn't recognise me,' Hongjoong teased, letting himself be wrapped up in his embrace. 'I thought maybe you only loved me for my hair.'
Leaning back, Seonghwa gazed down at the boy. Reaching up, he brushed the back of his index finger against his now blonde coloured hair. 'You're taking after your brothers,' he whispered, admiring his beautifully smiling, cherry-red lips.
'I would never. They take after me.' Hongjoong pouted, before cracking a smirk and winking. 'It's only temporary anyway. I'm going to dye it again when I go back to work for the kids.'
Seonghwa raised an eyebrow. 'I don't think I will ever hear another doctor say that in my life,' he said, brushing his blonde locks once more before linking his arm in his and walking with him to the door. 'What colour are you doing this time?'
Hongjoong narrowed his eyes. 'That is top secret.'
'Oh yeah?'
'Mhm. Not even I know.'
Seonghwa laughed as they began to make their way out of the hospital. 'Then how...?'
Hongjoong rolled his eyes, linking his arm through his. 'I promised Wooyoung could do it this time, and he says it's a surprise... Hwa, did you go to theatre? Aren't you cold? Why didn't you change out of your scrubs?'
Hurrying through the brisk air to the car, the moment they were safe and sound inside, Seonghwa leaned across the center console and kissed him.
Lips colliding together, soft and warm and addictive, he hummed against him. 'So many questions. Yes. A little, and because you're going to take them off me anyway, so why waste precious time?'
Hongjoong laughed, brushing his fingers down his jawline and down his neck until they hooked into the V of his scrub top. 'I guess tonight is the night where I find out whether I've got a doctor kink?' he murmured, deliberately dragging his lips against his. 'Mhmn, Mr. Doctor, I need you to take care of me~.'
And through the cringe, Seonghwa moaned. 'That is horrifying, and you should be embarrassed. But also...' Grating their lips together and grabbing at his waist, he could barely wait until they got home...
Backing through the door, lips already locked, coats ditched and shoes off, Seonghwa moaned as Hongjoong deliberately made sounds that were turning him on beyond belief.

The Odd Doctor Out | A Drama | S. 2
Fiction généraleSeason 2~ The only Kdrama on Wattpad- Eight boys, eight stories, eight people who are just doing their best when the sun rises each morning, to push through the new day, and navigate the rough waters strewn before them that is 'life.' Pushing throu...