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Wooyoung's heart throbbed for his brother.

Shoving his flat keys into San's chest and leaving him in the doorway, he hurried inside, checking his room first, then Yeosang's, before finally finding the two curled up on Hongjoong's bed.

His movement drew their attention, and as Yeosang looked up at him and their eyes met, his world tore in half. 'Sang...' he breathed...

Hurrying forwards, he kicked off his shoes and crawled over to the two, shuffling as close as he could get and wrapping the blonde up in his arms. 'I'm sorry I'm late,' he breathed, smoothing down his hair. 'I'm here now. I'm here now, Hyung...'

Over and over, he kept repeating himself, cooing in his ear and hugging him tightly, feeling his own tears fall in sympathy for him.

'He lied to me,' Yeosang choked, grasping tightly onto his shirt.

Wooyoung seethed. 'How dare he. I know you love him, but Hyung, I hate him. I really do.'

Yeosang choked, half in saddened laughter, and half on a new wave of tears. He dug his cheek into his neck and let his entire weight rest against him. 'I l-l-love h-him... s-s-so m-much...'

'I know, baby,' Wooyoung breathed. 'I know you love him. You care so much...' Glancing up at Hongjoong, he saw the tears in those dark eyes as well, and once more, in their little family that they had made, if one was broken, so were the others, all suffering together, and moving forward, as one.

Suddenly, he saw Hongjoong glance up at the door, and as he turned to see what he was looking at, he saw San, holding a glass of water and a damp cloth.

Wooyoung held a hand out for the cloth, giving his boyfriend the most thankful eyes he could muster, despite his own tears. Taking the washer, he leant his brother back a little into Hongjoong's side and wiped his feverish cheeks and forehead. 'You're allowed to hurt,' he whispered, wiping the corner of his lip a little.

Yeosang hiccuped against his Hyung. 'I-I f-f-feel incredibly s-s-st-stupid, for th-thinking that what we h-had, was m-more than t-t-teenage interest... Young-ah... H-he f-f-f-forgot m-me, so quickly...'

Wooyoung's chest ached for him. 'That's not true, Sang. He's young, and he just doesn't understand yet. He loved you. You spent all that time with him when I broke your heart...' he said regretfully, feeling immensely guilty. 'You went to him, and he welcomed you with open arms. He was good to you... He just got carried away with teenage drama... You remember what it was like when we were his age, don't you?'

He brushed his brother's cheeks, smiling, despite his tears running down his cheeks, slipping down into his lap.

Yeosang hiccuped repeatedly on his tears, trying his best to nod. 'B-b-but i-it still h-h-hurts...'

He melted. 'I know, hun. Come here~ Come give me hugs,' he breathed.

And as Yeosang leaned forward, chasing his embrace, Wooyoung melted as he saw him clutching a fistful of Hongjoong's shirt in his hand, pulling him with him and refusing to let go.

'Joongie Hyung and I will make it all better~' he whispered, kissing him on the top of the head.

'Hyung and I aren't going anywhere.'


A/N: Better not leave it here either, lmao

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