347 🩺 Reminiscent

380 51 17

Sitting down on a short break, Yunho stared out the hospital window over the city and let his mind wander. Filled with a revolving conveyor belt of images circulating through his head, it seemed to start with him arguing with his parents, and then gravitate to Mingi, before jumping back to every kiss and touch they'd shared, before returning to his parents...

The memory of snapping at his family was still raw, and although he'd apologised the moment he'd gotten home, he could already see that not only would nothing change under their roof, but his apology had been worth nothing. Being told to take your phone next time and find some manners to use while arguing as an adult were the things he'd been told, and in the end, like always, Yunho was the only one who ended up figuratively crying over it...

But Mingi...

God, he made him feel so much better. He'd only gotten two measly hours of sleep and had been sitting up instead of laying down, but they'd been the best two hours he'd ever gotten... He could barely believe he'd ended up with the brunette in his arms, watching documentaries and slightly less educational content...

He could still feel his warmth against his chest, and the way it felt when Mingi's arm had been slung over his abdomen and around his waist...

Yunho opened his eyes in the dark, awaking softly from an incredibly warm, deep sleep. He gently stretched up a little, hearing a soft crack in his back, but as he did, he felt something move against him...


His chest expanded with a deep breath as he nuzzled closer and melded into his side.

And it melted Yunho. Gazing down at him, he reached up a hand and ever-so-carefully ran his fingers through his hair... It was so soft that he could barely feel it against his fingertips, and it fluffed, falling back against his chest.

But glancing at the laptop sitting atop the book stacks that said "Are you still watching? Press Play to continue," he saw that it was five am.

And that meant, the dreaded time to leave, had come.

It hurt more than he could have imagined it would...

Gently gazing down at him, he let himself breathe in his scent...

Just a moment... Just one more...

But one became two, and two, ten...

Stirring, Mingi's breath suddenly changed as he breathed in a deep breath...

And Yunho realised he was still brushing his hair.

He had awoken him.

Blinking his eyes open, Mingi groaned a little, sleepily waking up. He sat back slightly, rubbing his eyes, and as he did, he realised where he was...

Yunho's heart thudded in his chest.

'Min-ah, I have to go to work,' he whispered, watching Mingi tiredly glance at them in the bed. 'Get some more sleep, okay?' he whispered.

Agonisingly, he began to try and separate himself from him, untucking their legs and arms and bodies...

But as he gently helped the boy slip down into his bed, laying his head softly on the pillow, the instant he saw Mingi nuzzle into the plush cushions, the separation had been worth it.

He looked so goddamn beautiful... So content... So happy...

Climbing out of the bed, Yunho knelt on the ground beside him and reached out, brushing his thumb over his cheek.

'Mmmghm... Sleepy...' Mingi mumbled, nuzzling his cheek against his hand and blinking slowly.

Yunho fucking died. 'Close your eyes and get some more sleep, hmm?'

'Mmnn... Wher're'ou'oing?' he mumbled, reaching a tired hand up and resting it over his wrist.

'I have to go to work... Can I call you tonight?'

Mingi turned his head a little and dropped a sleepy kiss against the pad of his thumb, nodding. 'Have fun,' he whispered...


Yunho thought about how he'd felt in that moment... Having had a soft kiss shared with him that he hadn't asked for, yet had wanted more than anything else...

He hadn't wanted to leave, and those steps he'd taken away from him had been excruciating...

What the fuck are you going to do, Yunho? he asked himself, staring out the window. You have these feelings, but aren't you playing with fire? Can you be, what he needs you to be?

The answer, he didn't yet have.

But standing there with the images of Mingi letting him into his home, and into his arms, and his bed...

He felt that no matter what that man wanted of him, he was just about ready to give him everything, if he so asked for it.


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