The door clicking open and shut to their dorm woke San up. Groaning as he checked the time, he frowned through the dark. Almost one am.
Min must've worked a late, not an early. Whoops, San thought, rolling over and pulling the blankets over his head.
But as he was just settling down to enjoy some more sleep, he heard faint voices drifting down the hall.
Brows pulling together, San listened intently. One was definitely Mingi... He'd know his voice anywhere.
But there was another soft voice he didn't recognise.
Or at least he thought, he didn't recognise it...
'It's totally okay, you can go home.'
'Is San home?'
'He should be. I'm okay, you don't need to worry about me.'
'I already told you I can't help it.'
San frowned. Yunho?
Flicking the blankets off, he slipped his slippers on and padded out, glancing through the dark.
'Yun-ah, nothing bad will happen. I promise.'
'I'm not leaving until I know San is here and he knows to watch you.'
San almost silently padded over to where he saw two figures standing in the dark. 'Why aren't you leaving until you know I'm here and why do I need to watch him?'
Both of his friends turned, Mingi's eyes soft, and Yunho' pained.
It made San feel sick.
'What happened?' His voice was flat and straight to the point. Suddenly, he was wide awake.
His roommate's eyes seemed to soften even further, opening his mouth to speak, but Yunho promptly interrupted him. 'San-ah, Mingi fainted today and knocked himself unconscious.'
Mingi's face filled with sudden guilty disappointment, and San suddenly felt the floor shift underneath him. Terror crashing down over him, he watched as Mingi rushed up to him, shaking his head.
'No! Yunho is making it sound so much worse than it was. I wasn't even out for ten seconds, and I feel fine now. Yunho let me sleep in the hospital and I got lots of rest. I'm not even dizzy, I'm fine! I promise!'
San's mouth opened and closed around soundless words as he looked between Mingi and Yunho. 'Min... Fuck... wh-what happene- No. Over here. Lay down.'
Linking his arm in his, San led him down the call. It had been a while since San had been in Mingi's room, and he almost wasn't shocked when he saw he had textbooks laying on his bed pushed to the wall like a miniature bookshelf; all the spines all facing out to be read.
He also had a few stray books laying open further out, and so San kept their pages and added them to the stacks along the wall. He then led his roommate over to sit.
'Jesus, Min. I've been telling you that you look like shit. What was it?'
Mingi replied almost sheepishly... '...Iron...'
San groaned. 'Again?!' Rolling his eyes, he ran a stressed hand through his hair. 'Ya, you know you're susceptible. I'm an art major. You're studying med. You should know the signs better than anyone!'
Mingi bit his lip, glancing down, and it was only then that San noticed Yunho standing at the door; an incredibly concerned look plastered on his face.

The Odd Doctor Out | A Drama | S. 2
Fiction généraleSeason 2~ The only Kdrama on Wattpad- Eight boys, eight stories, eight people who are just doing their best when the sun rises each morning, to push through the new day, and navigate the rough waters strewn before them that is 'life.' Pushing throu...