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Yunho groaned.

Tossing his pen down into his ethics textbook, he sat back in his chair and raked his fingers through his hair. Sitting in the library, he had done everything in his power to help him focus, but no matter how many times he read the short paragraph in front of him, it just would, not, sink in.

Giving up, he pulled his phone out from underneath his bag where he'd stashed it away, and flicked through his notifications. Not seeing anything interesting, he navigated to his texts instead.

Hesitating as he saw Mingi's name, he almost pressed on his name, desperate to see him again, but taking a steadying breath, he moved down to the name underneath and typed in a message.

San-ah, Did u want help rehearsing for ur recital?

Standing his phone up against his textbook, he stared at the screen, hoping that a little "seen" would pop up under his message.

And thank god, he didn't have to wait long.

👀 I mean, I'm not going to say no to help
but also, are u sure? Aren't u busy?

I can't focus and give up
U've helped me tons with bio study. It's my turn

Shit Thank youuuu

All g :)
See u in 10

'Thank god,' he murmured to himself. Packing up his shit into his bag, he quietly stood up and tucked in his chair. He couldn't stand another minute of sitting in that goddamn library.

I'm so fucking sick to death of studying.


Yunho shivered as he got out of his car and was hit with the brisk wind. It took his breath away and caused him to pull his coat tighter around his shoulders, as he ran up to the studio.

But pushing through the door into the waiting room, he couldn't help but see the last glimpse of a person leaving through an EXIT door at the end of the hallway...

He'd only seen them for a moment, but he was getting pretty damn good at recognising a very certain person by just a glimpse, and suddenly, his heart leapt up into his throat...

A door to one of the studio rooms suddenly swung open, revealing San who's eyes suddenly widened as they landed upon him. 'Yun...' he said, visibly cringing...

'Was that Mingi I just saw going up the fire escape?'

San's teeth grated together awkwardly 😬. '... Umm... well... Yeah... He turned up a few minutes ago, and-... He said he was going up to the rooftop for a while...'

Yunho nodded a little, taking a breath. 'I guess that probably means I should leave then...'

'You don't have to...'

But Yunho didn't want to make Mingi suffer unnecessarily, and if his presence was painful in itself, then no matter how much it hurt Yunho to stay away, he didn't want to inflict that onto him...


Somewhere deep in the studio, a faint message tone sounded, and San turned. 'Hold up one second... That might be Woo...'

Ducking back into the room, Yunho was left alone. Putting his hands into his pockets, he wandered aimlessly through the waiting room...

But as he caught a glimpse into the practise room, his eyes gravitated to the spot in the corner where he and Mingi had sat all that time ago...

The Odd Doctor Out | A Drama | S. 2Where stories live. Discover now