311 🩺 Just Like This

425 56 42


In an attempt to look calmer than he felt, Yunho shoved his hands in his pockets as he descended the stairs to the bus stop.

However although he had managed to successfully hide away the nervous tapping of his fingers, he wasn't so lucky when it came to hiding his soft jaw drop as Mingi turned around, and his eyes fell upon him.

Just one glance at Mingi had his heart palpating in his chest and sending his mouth dry...

Coming to stand beside him, perhaps just a tad closer than necessary, he could almost taste his sweet scent and cologne...

'Yun-ah, you really didn't have to come all this way. The ovals are literally on the other side of campus...'

He shook his head, swallowing back his nerves and smiling. 'It's fine,' he said simply, not really trusting himself to say much more until his initial panic had subsided.

'Well... I was going to go home to study... if you maybe wanted to come with... It's totally okay if you don't want to. We could go to a café? Or if you wanted to stay on campus, I guess we could go to the libr-...'

Mingi's voice cut off, the instant memories flooded him of their kiss.

And Yunho was just glad he wasn't the only one who was rendered speechless by the memory. He could feel his cheeks burn a little and his lips tingle, and with it came the memories of how much trouble he'd had getting to sleep that night... All he could do was think about it, and how much he'd liked it.

Suddenly, he found himself compelled to steal away another...

But the sudden screeching of bus brakes broke the moment, and brought them both back to reality.

Clearing his throat, Yunho looked around awkwardly, before nodding towards the bus. 'I don't mind going to yours...'

Seeing him bite into his lip a little, Mingi nodded - something that made his hair ruffle a little in the breeze and leave Yunho speechless.

Barely able to function, he pulled one hand from his pocket and gestured for him to go first, knowing the only way he could work out how to get his body onto that bus whilst having forgotten how to walk, would be to blindly follow him into it.

Scanning his bus card, he followed him almost the entire way to the back, before he suddenly melted at the feeling of Mingi's hands on his shoulder.

Staring at him, he was so close to him, that he could see, individual eyelashes shrouding those dark eyes...

'You go first,' Mingi whispered, his voice just a breath between them.

Lips parting a little, Yunho was once more mystified by him... By his voice... By the feeling of his hands on his shoulder...

Hands that were guiding him into the seat.

Torn from his gaze, he pulled his messenger bag over his head before sitting down against the window. And much to his relief, as Mingi shrugged off his coat and bag, he sat down beside him, and his entire side, brushed against him.

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