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Yunho rushed into the ER, swiping open the curtains aside one patient bed bay at a time. 'Sorry,' he said, nodding to the stranger on the bed, before shutting it and hurrying to the next.

'Mingi! Min?!'

Panic coursed through him, unsure of what state he was about to come across him in. His chest was tight and his heart was thumping hard enough to wind him. All he could focus on was finding him.

'Mingi?! Sorry.. Min?!'

Almost at the end of the ward, Yunho suddenly felt an electric jolt tear down his spine as a soft voice tore him from his search...

'Yun-ah? I'm over here.'

Hurrying to the last stall on the right - and funnily enough the only one without the curtains drawn - Yunho emerged to see Mingi sitting on the side of the bed. Eyes darting over his body, he immediately dropped to his side; his medical eyes dragging over every inch of his body.

But in contrast to Yunho's panic, Mingi just laughed calmly. 'Yun-ah, I'm okay.'

However although his words were smooth, they didn't have the same calming effect on Yunho as they usually did. Okay, could be interpreted in a lot of different ways...

Checking his arm movement and his wrists, Yunho's hands brushed over his body, frisking him over entirely looking for ailments. But just as he thought that maybe Mingi really was okay, the moment Yunho put a tender hand on his cheek and temple, he noticed that his fingertips suddenly felt slightly damp...

His heart plummeted.


Eyes widening, he looked directly into Mingi's eyes for a moment as if to say "you said you were okay!"

Mingi reached up and gently touched his wrist, trying to lower his hand. 'Yun-ah, I'm alright, it's not that bad-'

Ignoring him, Yunho pushed his hair back to see a quite significant laceration above his eyebrow on his left temple - one that needed attention.

And his jaw dropped. Sudden panic exploding within him, he felt nausea begin to overtake his stomach.

This couldn't be happening...

He didn't want this to happen...

He didn't want Mingi to be sitting here with a gash in his head...

Surely there had been a mistake...

The sheer pain he felt just by looking at Mingi, his skin stained with a laceration and blood running down his face...

Mingi leant forward a little, running his fingers around his wrist and holding on gently. 'Yunho, I'm fine,'

But Yunho just shook his head and used his hand to gently shut his jaw. He didn't want to hear that he was "okay," when he clearly wasn't...

He shouldn't talk... He should rest... He needs to be seen by a doctor...

Looking around at the busy ED however and realising that he would likely be waiting a long time to be seen, it took all of one split second for Yunho to make up his mind.

Gently letting go of his skin, Yunho hurried to the dressing trolley at the end of the bed and immediately opened the draw to dig out everything he wanted. Dumping them in a kidney dish, he quickly washed his hands and immediately came to sit back beside him, feeling nervous and worried enough to make him sick.

The Odd Doctor Out | A Drama | S. 2Where stories live. Discover now