283 🩺 Confiscated

421 53 14

To say Mingi was melting down, was an understatement.

The instant his phone dinged with a text, it interrupted his pacing across the living room and made him panic.

From where San was sitting at the coffee table finishing his dinner, he literally jolted as Mingi suddenly groaned.

New Message: Yunho
Hey... I know it's only been a few hrs, but I forgot to ask...
Are you going to be on shift for the Ethics Assessment lecture, or will u be in class??

Mingi snapped.

'Oh my God, San. Take my phone off me. Fuck, I cannot be trusted not to text him.'

He watched as San jolted, shocked from his abrupt outburst, and suddenly felt a little bad. But that didn't stop him from shoving his phone at him.

'Min, it's not-'

'No you have to confiscate it.' He hurried over and grabbed a hold of San's arm, before shoving his phone into his hand. 'Do not let me anywhere near it. I can't tell him no. I'm incapable, of telling that man no.'

Seemingly reluctantly, San took his phone and flicked the ringer to silent before putting it under his thigh, out of sight. 'Min, you don't have to cut him off completely-'

'Oh I so do.' He ran his hands through his hair, feeling his heart thudding. 'San, he's going to kill me. I almost cried in front of him. He was acting so... so... Ugh I don't know. But, I asked him point blank whether or not he wanted there to be an us... whether he wanted me...'

Mingi started to feel those same tears start to pool in his eyes - tears he was sick to death of shedding.

And San jumped up. Hurrying over to him, he brought him to sit down on the couch and pulled him into a hug, letting his head rest against his chest and his tears to soak into his shirt. '

'I can't do this anymore,' he choked, feeling his heart ache within him. 'Fuck, I'm trying, so hard to move on. But all I need to do is look at him, and I waver. I can't tell him no. I can't. I can't see him, San. I cannot. I will keep making myself suffer if I do...'

San rubbed his hands over his back, swaying them comfortingly. 'Shh, it's okay, Min,' he whispered, reaching up to brush his fingers through his hair. 'You're suffering more, by forcing yourself to stay away from him...' he whispered, resting his cheek down against the top of his head.

Mingi felt his lips quiver. 'S-so, what?' he asked, reaching out to let his hands rest on his waist.

San sighed, hugging him closer. 'So, maybe staying away, isn't the answer...'

Mingi felt his heart tug. Pulling out of his arms, he felt his emotions bubble up as words tumbled from his lips. 'But if I see him, I suffer and it hurts and it's torturing me...'

He saw San bite his lip, seeming to consider his words and choose them carefully... 'Min... do you think maybe you're struggling more, because Yunho seems to be suddenly expressing his feelings clearer...?'

He gulped, feeling more tears slip from his eyes that San reached up to brush away. 'B-but he still can't tell me how he feels...' he whispered, feeling his heart reef within him. 'He still doesn't want me...'

But San shook his head. 'Min, don't listen to the words. Min he's crying out for you, but anything relationship related is a new language to him, and they're not words he knows how to use yet. His words aren't there, but his actions are... And I think you know that. That's why I think you're suddenly suffering so much more...'

Mingi closed his eyes; tears spilling down his cheeks that he left. 'I'm tired, San. I'm so tired...'

San leant forward and rested his head against his, something he'd seen Hongjoong do with Wooyoung that somehow just seemed right... 'Min, you're exhausting yourself by trying to force things to happen a certain way. You're spending every ounce of your energy pulling away, and the more Yunho reaches after you, the harder it's becoming to escape.'

Mingi sniffed, opening his eyes and looking at his friend with the most pleading look he could possibly muster. 'Sannie... What do I do?' He reached a hand up and balled the shirt over his heart into his hand, feeling the agonising pain, rip at him.

And San gave him a small, yet promising smile. 'Min-ah, just accept that you want to move on, and don't try so hard to make it happen. Just allow things to happen as they will, and deal with things as they pop up. Have a shower, go to bed, and if you find that you're thinking about him, tell yourself that you've had some lovely times, and that you would like to keep it that way. Don't taint the memories with the pain you're going through now.'

'B-but... what should I do when he keeps appearing...?'

San gave him a smile and an encouraging squeeze. 'If he keeps appearing, then just maybe, he does want you after all...'


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