act i (1/5)

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Alright, I have been working on this for over a week, but I've had the idea for so much longer. In the span of writing this for maybe two weeks, I have rewritten it several times and changed so many sections. Also, this takes the cake as the LONGEST oneshot I have ever written in my time of writing these.

This took a lot of time so I really hope y'all enjoy because I'm in love with this AU so very much, and I do want to write more for it.

Spotify Playlist Link:
(Link will be posted on my profile)


~.~After Trial I~.~
~.~First Freetime Event~.~

Pacifica slammed her bedroom door, not intending for the noise to have been that loud, but she just shrugged it off. It wasn't uncommon in the academy (if you could even call it that) for a relatively loud noise to be heard, so she was almost positive that no one would rush by and demand to know what happened.

The first trial had been the night prior, the deaths of two of their friends would, no doubt, be leaving everyone shaky. If Pacifica was being honest, she wanted to just lock herself in her room and never leave again. However, if she wanted to her everyone to keep working together, she would have to keep up her brave face, just as she had during the trial.

As soon as she walked past the staircase that led to the left side bedrooms, Pacifica heard the voices of two individuals talking. Well, it was more like one voice was telling the other off. What the hell had she missed? Pacifica rubbed her eyes, trying to blink the sleepiness away from them.

She hadn't been sleeping well. Pacifica remembered her insomnia from before the academy, but she never remembered it being so unbelievably terrible and persistent.

Pacifica hoped that another killing wasn't about to happen. However, when she rounded the corner, she realised that had absolutely nothing to worry about. The boy —the one who intrigued her— was telling off a sulking Ultimate Fashion Designer —who Pacifica had come to know as Candy.

"There are other individuals trapped inside this academy, so do me a favour, and go find one of them willing to listen to your sporadic rambling."

Yeah, that sounded like Dipper alright. Pacifica hadn't had much time to listen to him speak, save for the way he took control during the trial, but from his words, Pacifica figured she had his personality down to a 'T'.

The Ultimate Fashion Designer whined for a second before turning on her heel and stalking off to —most likely— the dining hall. The boy sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose all the while closing his eyes. When he opened them again, his eyes narrowed on Pacifica.

Pacifica winced, realising that now she had no choice but to go up to him. After all, she was standing off behind the pillar, making it seem like she was eavesdropping —even though technically she was, but there was no reason to tell him that— when she could just as easily play it off as not wanting to talk to Candy. Simple.

With a steady, albeit slow, pace, Pacifica found herself standing in front of Dipper; the Ultimate Who-Freaking-Knows. "Good morning, Dipper." She still didn't know what he was like one-on-one, but she figured that sticking to formalities would be the best bet for now.

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