Love Spell

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Requested by Ambernot hope y'all enjoy~

"Dipper!" Pacifica whined.

"Please, Pacifica. This isn't working right now." He muttered. They were in the Gleeful Manor library mainly looking for the spell book. Dipper had been working with magic earlier that day and accidentally put a love spell on Pacifica. And when he told Mabel that she just rolled her eyes. "I need to find the book and when-"

"Shh," Pacifica whispered, "you don't need to find that."

"Yes I do." Dipper insisted. "I need to get this spell off of you." As much as Dipper loved her like this, he knew that he had to change her back.

Pacifica pouted. "No you don't, because there's nothing to fix!"

Dipper grabbed a giant book from one of the shelves and walked over to a table. He opened the book, and skimmed through the book looking for a reversal spell. If there was a reversal spell. "Dipper," Pacifica whispered, sitting next to him. "You don't have to do this."

"Yes I do," he said, again. "If your parents see you like this, they'll freak out. If Gideon sees you like this, he'll try-not that he could-to kill me."

Pacifica leaned closer to him and whispered in his ear, "I don't care."

Dipper's breath hitched and he batted the lovesick blonde away from him. "Don't do that."

"Why not?" Pacifica asked, tilting her head to the side, "does it bother you?"

Usually it wouldn't have bothered Dipper but right now. . . .okay it still didn't bother him, but he knew he had to fix his mistake. "No, it doesn't. But I'm trying to focus, Pacifica."

"But why?!" Pacifica whined.

"Because if you didn't have this spell on you, you wouldn't be acting this way to me." Dipper explained, heaving a single sigh. This was going nowhere.

Pacifica suddenly got up from her chair, almost startling Dipper in the process, and sat on his lap. Dipper bit his lip, still trying to find the reversal spell. "Dipper," Pacifica closed the book in front of him, "that can wait."

"N-no, it can't." Dipper managed to say. "Please Pa-"

"Am I distracting you?" She asked, innocently.

"Yes." He muttered. "Please Pacifica, I'm trying to fix this."

"But Dipper," Pacifica whispered.

". . . . .what?" He asked.

"I loooooooove you." She smiled when she said it.

Dipper's eyes widened and he had the sudden urge to kiss her, but he knew that this wasn't her. "You won't, when you find out what happened." He murmured. He flipped to a page that had the love spell on it, his eyes searched the page for the reversal spell but before he could find it, Pacifica decided that this was the right moment, to kiss the unsuspecting magician. Dipper blinked in surprise, and he wasn't expecting a kiss from the girl who swore to hate him forever. He dropped the book and one of his hands ran through her hair and then other was at the back of her neck, deepening the kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled a little. Dipper realized what he was doing and he saw the reversal spell. His eyes widened and he quickly broke the kiss and said the spell. "Amore essere andato." He whispered the spell.

Pacifica blinked a couple times before realizing where she was. More like who she was with. She saw Dipper and she blushed quite a bit. "Why am I here, Gleeful?!"

"You came over here, now please, I'm tired I've had a long day." He sighed, "the door is that way."

Pacifica got off of Dipper's lap and briskly walked out the door, wondering why she was there and why she was with him.


*yawns* Okie I finished that one! Anymore requests before I fall asleep? It's not time for me to sleep I'm just really really really tired.

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