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"So, Mr Gleeful?" The reporter took out a notebook and pen. "Do you know that everyone in town adores you?

Dipper felt a smirk appear on his face. He already knew that, it was quite obvious that everyone adored him more than his twin sister. He chuckled, "no I did not know that." He lied. From behind the camera, Mabel scowled at him. He smirked at her and turned his attention back to the reporter. "But, I believe I can imagine it because, I'm a psychic magician." Mabel, again, rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Next question?"

"Um yes." The reporter said, flipping through pages of questions he could ask. "In your opinion, how much longer do you think you'll be doing shows at the Tent of Telepathy?"

Dipper bit his lip, this was the question he was hoping not to answer at all. He didn't want to stall any longer so he threw something together in his mind and blurted it out. "Well only time will tell."

The reporter nodded, carefully selecting another question. "What's your relationship with your family? I'm sure shows must take up a lot of your time."

"Well I haven't seen my parents in," he counted the years, "six years so I'm not at all close with them. My uncles? Probably more of a relationship you'd have with your boss." I chuckled, that's exactly what it seemed like.

The reporter, nodded once again. "What about your relationship with your sister?"

Dipper glanced at his sister, who was still standing behind the camera, filing her nails. "Well I'd say that we have more of a business relationship. Trading partners." He thought that sounded about right. And to his surprise, his sister smiled slightly at him.

"Next question." The reporter cleared his throat. "Do you consider yourself a ladiesman?"

Mabel facepalmed while Dipper tilted his head downward and gave a lopsided smirk. "Heh." Was all he said.

The reporter was left clueless, about what he meant. "Could you please elaborate on that?" He asked, politely.

"Well I mean I do consider myself a ladiesman. But of course I only love my beautiful-yet annoying and stubborn-girlfriend, Pacifica Southeast." Dipper explained. Mabel-once again-facepalmed. The reporter sent Dipper away after he had answered all his questions, as he was heading towards the backroom, he bumped into Pacifica. She rolled her eyes at him and mumbled, "pretentious creep." So he replied with, "thank you, sweetheart." Pacifica quickly walked past him and into the studio.

That's where the reporter was waiting for her with a couple very interesting questions. "Ms Southeast?" He asked.

"Yes?" Pacifica replied, smiling brightly.

"Where are you from originally? We heard that you were staying in Reverse Falls just for the summer." He asked.

"California." She replied simply. "My cousin, Gideon Pines, lives here and I often come to stay."

He nodded along. "Your cousin Gideon. You and him are close, no?"

"As close as can be!"

"Right now I've heard about your and Mabel's-what's the word I'm looking for-feud?" He inquiried.

"Well yeah but we don't fight as much as we used to when I first arrived, but I'd say that we keep our distance from each other." She explained.

"Mhm, now one more question." He explained, clicking his pen.

"And what is that?" She asked, realizing that it went faster than she'd expected.

"So tell me, what's it like to date the famous Dipper Gleeful?" He asked.

"What?" Pacifica asked, her teeth clenched, and her eyes a darker shade of midnight blue.

"Eh???...well...uh...he said that you two were.." he broke off sweating a little bit.

"Excuse me." Pacifica stated, getting up from her seat, and walking to the back room.

"You told him what?!" She exclaimed.

Dipper looked up from the third Journal. "Whom are you speaking of, dearie?" He asked, then turned his attention back to the book.

"You told the reporter that we were dating!" She exclaimed again. "How could you?!"

"Pazzie, I figured it shouldn't be a secret anymore. It's so obvious that even Gideon could figure it out." He rolled his eyes. "Besides, I only spoke the truth."

Pacifica sighed and sat down next to him. "I know but, I just didn't think it would be so soon."

He chuckled lightly and wrapped an arm around her. "Aw come on Paz, you know you love me."

Pacifica rolled her eyes in a playful manner. "Yes. Yes I do." She kissed the tip of his nose and then started to walk to the door, but Dipper held onto her hand. "What?" She asked, glancing at him. He flashed his signature grin and held out a pretty deep red rose to her. "For you, my sweet." He handed it to her, while she tried not to blush. She took it and quickly spun towards the door, and bolted out thinking about him more than she should have. God I hate when he does this. But I guess it's.....somewhat nice.



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