Give You Hell

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Part three to the "Affairs" Oneshot set. Thank you all for all of your support, it really means a lot to me, you are all lovely <3. Hope y'all enjoy!
A/N: not gonna lie, I was struggling about how to end this 😂😂 it's been awhile

Dipper hadn't seen Pacifica in a week. Every night when he fell asleep, he would remember every single moment they spent together, bringing himself to sob profusely against his pillow.

But eventually it was a Friday night. Gave him some peace of mind knowing he still wouldn't see her. The only issue was that Mabel was having her friends sleep over.

Dipper just assumed he would keep to himself and they would hang out downstairs or in Mabel's room.

But when Dipper was sitting in his bed, reading a book (a murder-mystery because it didn't involve any sort of romance) his bedroom door opened.

"Candy? What are you doing here?" He asked, shutting the book. "Shouldn't you be out by Mabes?"

Candy walked into the room and closer to him. "I heard you were lonely," she admitted kindly. "Wanted to cheer you up."

"Dunno how you could," Dipper sighed.

"Why are you so upset anyway?" She asked. "Looks like you went through a bad breakup or something."

"No," Dipper lied. "Just stressed and tired."

"I can help you de-stress." Candy chuckled.

"No, I don't—"

Before Dipper could say anything, she pressed her lips against his and pushed him down on his bed. Her legs straddled him as she continued to forcefully kiss him.

Dipper eventually managed to break the kiss, and he stared into Candy's eyes. "Why did you do that?"

"Thought it would cheer you up," she giggled. "I mean, if foreplay's not your thing, we can get straight to the act."

"That's not it!" Dipper protested. "The point is I'm not looking for a relationship or a fling. I'm not looking at all!"

"Oh, why not?" Candy pouted.

"I'm just not looking." Dipper explained, trying to get her off of him. "Sure, I'm a high school boy who has primal urges, but I can control them."

"Maybe you should let go of your composure," Candy teased, fiddling with the collar of his white, cotton, shirt. "And have some fun."

"I already told you," he sat up and pushed her off of him, "I'm not looking for anything right now."

"And why is that?" She demanded, crossing her arms. "I don't understand. You've been acting so different lately and it's just because you broke up with that blonde girl."

Dipper froze briefly. And in that scant second, Candy used all of her strength to push him down against his pillows.

"How do you know about that?" Dipper demanded.

"Oh please," she snorted. "You're not as sly as you think you are, Dipper Gleeful. I saw the way you looked at her. It was obvious that you were totally head-over-heels for this girl."

Dipper remained silent. Candy was smarter than the average high school girl, but why the hell did he have to be so obvious with his feelings?

"But that's over." She rolled her eyes. "Isn't it?"

"I-" He started, but Candy shushed him.

"Oh will you stop being pathetic!" She exclaimed. "Listen, Pacifica is not interested in you! She never was! She was using you! She was going to break up with you, regardless of my note to her."

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