Where Two Worlds Met

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Requested by Mabel--Pines Wowzers Mabel, you always seem to get me! XD. Hope you guys enjoy!

"You got it!" The employees-who were actually spirits-cheered as Pacifica shouted her answer to Yubaba. Yubaba looked at her contract, as it disappeared from her hands and she groaned in frustration. Pacifica felt herself smiling at Yubaba, she would never forget all her friends here. She felt someone grab her hand and pull her away from the crowd. It was her first true friend she had met here and although sometimes he pretended to not know her and then he cared about her, she really had grown attached to him. Dipper Gleeful. After the whole fiasco, she had helped him remember his real name, Mason. He pulled her away as all her friends shouted goodbyes, even Mabel Gleeful who acted like she didn't like Pacifica was emotional. "Quick, this way!" Dipper shouted to her as they ran through the little village.

"But what about my parents?" She asked, looking around.

"When you answered correctly, your parents woke up on the Human side of the tunnel. They're looking for you, so we have to hurry." He explained, quickly.

Pacifica felt her world swirl around her, of course she wanted to see her parents again but, she knew that she would miss everyone here. Especially Dipper, or Mason. Whoever he was know. "What about you?" She stopped running with him and stood her ground.

He glanced back at her with amusement in his eyes. "I'll have a long talk with Yubaba, tell her I quit being her apprentice." He walked up to her and gripped her by her shoulders. "I'm fine, I got my name back. All thanks to you." He chuckled a little. "You've helped me more than you'll ever know."

Pacifica smiled at him as he turned around and started running back to where their two worlds met. She felt sad that she'd have to leave him behind, as she stepped into reality.

There it was, the tunnel she had first came in through, clutching her mother's arm because she was timid and scared. Being in this world, his world, had changed her, for the better. "This is it." She sighed, and looked at Dipper. "But I don't want to go."

"You have to." He replied, moving a strand of stray hair back into place. "It's for the best."

"Will I ever see you again?" She asked, hopefully hoping that he'd say yes.

He smiled, but to Pacifica's surprise, it wasn't a happy smile. It, was a sad one. "Only time will tell." He replied, "now go. Otherwise you won't be able to leave."

Pacifica tiptoed forward, down the little stone steps, with Dipper holding her hand all the way. But in a brilliant moment, he spun her around and smashed his lips onto hers, before finally letting go of her hand. When Pacifica had realized what he had done, she blinked in surprise. "Now, don't look back." He bit his lip, sending her away again.

Throughout her years, Pacifica had never gotten kissed by a guy, and here she was now making out on the steps of an old world with a spirit. Or Demon. As she went back down the stone stairs, she felt Dipper let go of her hand and she let her hand fall to her side, as she ran through the green field. Not looking back, once.

I dunno why I felt sad writing this! ;-; The other oneshots are coming along I'll probably write one or two more tonight so feel free to request ideas and I'll add them to the list!

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