Fearful Pranks Ensue

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Requested by Mabel--Pines hope y'all enjoy!

Pacifica knew that she'd nail him this time. For weeks, she and Dipper had done nothing but prank each other.

Last week, Pacifica had hidden all of his hair products, forcing the brown-haired male to search every inch of the mansion looking for them. Only to be told by Paz later on that they were hidden the one place he'd never dare to look; Pacifica's, ahem, lady-cabinet.

And a few days after that, Dipper had gotten her a glass of water, only to have coated it in superglue. Least to say, Pacifica was not pleased to have a cup glued to her hand while her parents came over for dinner.

It hadn't gotten out of hand yet, but it was about to get much worse. Pacifica was ready to finally win that prank war and it was going to happen right then.

Pacifica snuck into the kitchen early the next morning to put an end to the pranking, with one last prank of her own.

She quickly snatched the salt from the cabinet and made her way over to the coffee pot and poured a ton of salt into the pot and then waited for Dipper to arrive.

Five minutes later, a groggy-looking Dipper yawned his way into the kitchen. "Mornin' Pazzie." He covered his mouth as he yawned.

"Morning, sleeping beauty." Pacifica replied sweetly.

"Why are you so happy this morning?" He chuckled.

"I slept well." She lied.

Dipper poured himself a cup of coffee, and raised an eyebrow when Pacifica snickered.

As he drank the coffee, Pacifica stared at him, anticipating the moment where he'd spit it out all over the place. But, it didn't happen.

His face kept the same expressionless expression as he continued sipping the coffee.

"What. . ." She murmured, looking away from Dipper, stomping her foot in anger. "That's not fair!"

Dipper smirked. Sure, the coffee had a ton of salt and it was utterly disgusting, but there was no way in hell he'd let Pacifica know she'd won.

They stopped with the pranks afterword.

This was very fun to type! Request some more! 70 more to go!

-Kaori Miyazono <3

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