Greater Good, Lesser Evil

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Requested by @elysianataraxia hope y'all enjoy! This is the first time I'm doing a part 3 for a oneshot. I really enjoyed writing this one. :)

If there was one thing Dipper didn't like it was someone inhabiting his personal space. But considering there was no other place for that siren to stay, Dipper had to give some of that personal space up.

His least favorite parts were the mornings.

"Psst, Dipper," Pacifica whispered. "Are you awake yet?"

"I'm awake now." He grumbled, rolling over. "If it's all the same to you, I'd like to sleep."

"You're no fun." She grumbled. "You're super boring."

"Oh please," he murmured. "I'm not super anything."

To his surprise, Pacifica started laughing.

"What?" He grumbled, lifting his head from his pillow. "What is so funny?"

"Modesty is not a quality I would've pinned on you." She continued to laugh.

"And why is that?"

"From what I've gathered, you're the type that wants to prove themselves con-stant-ly." She placed emphasis on the last word.

"And that's a problem?" Dipper raised a brow. How could this girl know more about him than even his own crew did? Oh, right, she shared a room with him.

"No, but you wanna know something?" She beckoned him closer.

Now Dipper should have known better. Momentarily he remembered the last time he got close to this siren, how she'd gotten him flustered and confused. "What are you going to do?" He asked, after taking a small step.

"Nothing." She replied, and she sounded honest.

"Promise?" Dipper felt funny as soon as the word was out of his mouth.

"Will you trust me even if I promise?" She asked.

"I. . .I dunno." He admitted. "After all, I barely know you."

"Ask." She stated.

"Ask what?"

"Whatever you want to know." She shrugged. "I want to know about you too. So after you ask and I answer, you have to answer a question that I ask. Okay?"

"Sounds fair enough." Dipper took a few steps closer to the alluring woman.

"Now 'fair' is a word I never would have guessed you would ever say." She laughed. "Alright before we get off track, ask me anything."

Dipper pulled up a chair close to her tank and steepled his fingers. "Alright, how old are you?"

"Um, well, my age is complicated to explain." Pacifica admitted.

"I beg your pardon?" Dipper raised a brow.

"Seafolk's lives are different from humans." Pacifica explained. "We were all taught that when I was younger."

"If you had to guess, how old are you in, er, human years?" Dipper felt awkward even as he said it.

"Perhaps 19." She gulped. "You?"

"Older." Dipper admitted.

"How much?" She raised a brow. By this point, Pacifica had her arms rested on the edge of her tank. As if she were really interested in whatever Dipper had to say. It had been a long time since someone had caught her attention.

"Eh," he shook his head. "Not much."

"Tell me!" Pacifica protested. "You're not allowed to dodge the question, NOYC!"

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