Dared To

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"So, Pacifica, are you ready for the ultimate dare?" Candy asked, taking a sip of her water.

Pacifica nodded, knowing that whatever Candy could come up with, would be a disaster. "Tell me what it is." She said, trying to sound brave.

"I dare you, to act all lovey-dovey to Dipper!" Candy exclaimed, looking for a reaction.

And she got one. "No way!" She exclaimed, wrapping herself tighter in the blanket. "Why would I ever do that!"

"Because that's the point of truth or dare?" Mabel asked, looking up from her nails. "Just do it, I give you my blessing."

Pacifica was pushed out of the bedroom and into the hallway. She was extremely embarrassed and she wasn't even flirting with him yet! She walked over to Dipper's bedroom door and knocked quietly on it.


"Dipper. . .it's me." She whispered, hoping he'd hear her.

"Come in, it's open."

Pacifica heard that Mabel and Candy had crept up behind her, and we're waited. She opened Dipper's door and walked into his bedroom, closing the door on the other girls.

"What do you want, Pazzie?"

Pacifica looked over and realized Dipper had his shirt off and made her face redder than she thought a humans face could get. "Um. . .well. . .uh. . .y-you see. . ."

"Spit it out." Dipper rolled his eyes, but they weren't bored, they were in fact intrigued by the idea of Pacifica coming into his bedroom at night. "Why are you here?"

"Dipper," Pacifica took a deep breath and she was suddenly on autopilot. "No one understands why I have to be here tonight, you've been in my mind all day, every day since I've met you and I've never had the time to tell you." She admitted.

"What. . . ?" Dipper asked, completely caught off guard.

"You see, my heart feels a certain way when I'm near you." She said, pointing to her heart. "It gets all poundy and tingly."

"Pacifica, where are you going with this?" He questioned, looking her up and down.

"And I can't do anything about it, but being near you helps." She whispered, leaning her head on his chest, extremely embarrassed now.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" He demanded, almost shocked.

"What do you think I'm saying?" She asked, batting her eyelashes. "Well-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Dipper had met her lips halfway with his own. His arms made their way around her small body and held her tightly against him.

Pacifica was shocked that he had made the move, but after all this time, she didn't want to push him away. Maybe all those things she was saying were actually true. She kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his neck.

There was a knock on the door and the two lovebirds pulled apart. "Geez, Pacifica," Mabel chuckled from behind the door. "You're taking this dare extremely seriously."

Dipper stopped and looked at Pacifica. "This was a dare?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Pacifica nodded, "but it doesn't change that." She was referring to the kiss they'd just shared.

"You're saying that you wouldn't mind doing it again?" He asked, feeling slightly better.

"That's exactly what I'm saying." Pacifica nodded, smiling.

From the other side of the door, Candy was angry. "Mabel you should have dared me to do that!" She huffed in anger.

"Well Candy," Mabel admitted, "I don't think Dipper would have felt the same way about you then Pacifica." She chuckled.

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