Feeling Bold, Are We?

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Using a bunch of prompts I found on Pinterest because they're super cute! They might be shorter than my usually oneshots but I promise you'll still like them! Hope y'all enjoy!

Shopping at the mall was not something Dipper Gleeful typically enjoyed, but seeing as it made the love of his life (not that he'd ever tell her that) happy, he'd make an exception.

He had his reasons to detest the mall. For starters, it was the most crowded place he'd been in next to parties at Gleeful Manor. Not to mention all the whiny children.

But, he couldn't deny how much he liked watching Pacifica run from store to store, pointing at things she liked and then reprimanding Dipper for offering to pay for it.

"I don't need it!" She protested when he walked into a popular clothes store. "I just thought it looked nice!"

"And?" Dipper rolled his eyes. "If you want it, get it."

"If I wanted it that much I'd get it." Pacifica crossed her arms.

"I don't see what the big deal is," Dipper shrugged. "I want to buy this for you."

"Well, it just seems unfair for one person to shower the other in gifts while the other doesn't." Pacifica explained.

"Believe me, Pazzie," Dipper pulled her closer to him, "I'd love for you to shower me in gifts, but what I want isn't materialistic."

"That's a strange way of putting it, Gleeful." Pacifica leaned into her boyfriend. "Anyways, don't buy that for me, because I really don't need it or want it. But do you know what I want?"

Dipper looked down at her, intently. "What? What do you want?"

* * *

"This wasn't what I expected." Dipper slumped in his seat at the food court.

"Well too bad, I'm hungry." Pacifica grinned as she set down her tray of food. "Don't look so glum, you could at least pretend to be happy."

"I am happy, Paz." Dipper rolled his eyes. "Just being with you makes me happy, you do know that, don't you?"

Pacifica blushed. Of course, leave it to Dipper to spout some romantic nonsense over a 'romantic' dinner at the Reverse Falls Mall Food Court.

Dipper grinned. "What? Don't tell me you're embarrassed, Pazzie?"

"Not even close!" She snorted. "But, something tells me that I could do something that would really embarrass you."

Now Dipper snorted. "Are you kidding me, Paz? There is literally nothing you could do that would make me even close to em-- what are you doing?"

Pacifica had gotten out of her seat and was now standing right in front of him. Dipper felt his face get hot, what the hell was she planning to do?

Pacifica reached down, grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him out of his chair. By now, a majority of the people in the food court had stopped eating and started watching the couple. Even the workers at several food chains and stores nearby.

Dipper looked down at her happy that he was taller than her for a moment, until she yanked down until her lips hit his.

When Dipper really got into the kiss and tried to dominate over her, she broke off and pushed him back down in his seat. With that, she walked away from the scene leaving a very red-faced Dipper in the middle of a huge crowd.

Alright, maybe he was embarrassed.

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