First Time

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"...I dunno about this."

"Paz, it's okay."

"I dunno how to-"

"Relax, I'll help."

"But it's big."

"That's what they all say."

Pacifica gave Dipper a confused look. "You've taken other girls skiing at this big hill?"

"Well yeah." Dipper shrugged. "But honestly Paz, skiing isn't that hard."

"No Dipper, you made me go ice skating, I don't want to do this." Pacifica sighed.

"C'mon Pazzie, do it for me." Dipper gave Pacifica-what she called it at least-a puppy face. "Skiing is fun."

"I didn't think you found anything fun." Pacifica commented.

"Ha ha, how hilarious." Dipper rolled his eyes. "So you still want to go skiing?"

"No way." Pacifica laughed a little. "But can we get hot chocolate?"

"Mhm." Dipper murmured, slinging an arm around his girlfriend. "Let's get hot chocolate."

I know it was short but I just wanted to get that done. And lemme just say that I bet 99.99999999999999999 percent of the people reading this thought that they were doing something else!

XD sorry

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