act ii (2/5)

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~.~ After Trial II~.~
~.~Sixth Freetime Event~.~

Things had been a little hectic lately. After the discovery of the flashback lights —what she had taken to calling them considering their actual properties— Pacifica had tried to figure out what the memories were telling him.

Dipper was surprisingly agreeable when Pacifica said that the best way for her to figure them out was if she saw them herself.

Being side-by-side with Dipper while watching these memories play out was a little frightening. Pacifica couldn't remember much, but she could swear that she saw actual, genuine emotion cross his face.

Dipper grew a little distant for a few days. Pacifica couldn't really blame him, being overwhelmed by emotions paired with pictures he couldn't recognise, she knew he wouldn't tell her the truth about his feelings, however, she hoped that she knew him well enough to figure it out.

He came around, as he often did, as soon as the third motive had been handed out. A motive video. Pacifica was half-certain that the motive videos would be about their surviving relatives, however, when she and Dipper watched them together, she realised how wrong she was.

Her motive video was very simple and precise; if she wanted to know who the mastermind was, she had to kill someone and get away with it. Dipper's, however, wasn't very precise at all. It was all terribly vague.

"What? You'll get all of your memories back?" Pacifica wrinkled her nose and shuffled closer to him.

The two decided that the library was a little too public for the conversation they were having, so they were sitting in Pacifica's bedroom, on her bed. She had wheeled the giant whiteboard over to stand in front of them so they could jot down any theories they had.

"So the video claims." Dipper murmured, staring at the now-blank screen. "I dunno what Cipher is thinking will happen."

"They did say they had the highest hopes for you." Pacifica added, jotting something quickly on the whiteboard before falling backwards and landing comfortably on the bed with a quiet sigh.

"They did, didn't they?" Dipper cocked a brow, rolling his eyes. "Although, if you truly think about it, these motives —even if you win— could be twisted."

"Like a wish from a genie!" Pacifica agreed.

"And, my memories," Dipper shook his head, "what Cipher doesn't realise is that my motive will not spur me to act."

Pacifica titled her head and stared at him. "What do you mean?"

"Cipher is already supplying me with a puzzle of my own memories to put together." Dipper explained. "Cipher must know that I am highly intelligent —the trials show as much— and piecing together my memories with the flashback lights, is easy."

Pacifica nodded thoughtfully. "Maybe they're just trying to push you further."

"Do you think that will work?" Dipper laid down next to her, eyeing her, almost as though he truly cared what she thought.

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