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Requested by MaliasPack hope you all enjoy!

Dipper Gleeful stared at Pacifica's outfit, and he automatically knew what Ford was talking about. Her casual jeans and white t-shirt was to unprofessional for this ball. He knew exactly what he had to do. "I'm on it." He replied to his great uncle. He signalled Pacifica to follow him and she did, with her arms crossed like she was angry to be here. He felt himself smirk because he loved getting on her nerves. He quickly found a dress that he thought would nice and professional, and shoved it in Pacifica's hands. "Here you go." He muttered.

"I'm not wearing this." She said, shoving it back in his hands.

"I'm afraid I must insist." He replied, pushing it back in her hands.

"But I'll have to decline." She responded with grace and dignity.

"Just," he sighed, "take it."

Pacifica frowned and took the dress and stomped into a changing room. Dipper looked in a mirror and attempted to fix his hair, this was an important night for his family. And they needed everything to be absolutely perfect. He winked at himself in the mirror and felt a smile creep onto his lips. He heard footsteps coming from behind him and he turned around and saw Pacifica walk out from the changing room. The sea foam green dress fitted her perfectly and Dipper felt himself start to sweat. Sure Dipper had a million things to think about but one thought kept sitting in his brain like a cinder block. Crap, she looks really cute.

Sorry if it wasn't as good as you hoped. And also my Spirited Away book is finally published! Read it if you want! Love you guys!
~Published October 22 2016 at 9:07am

 And also my Spirited Away book is finally published! Read it if you want! Love you guys!~Published October 22 2016 at 9:07am

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