To Tell You The Truth

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Had this idea suddenly, and it's been awhile since I posted a oneshot. I've been focusing more on my stories rather than these, and I'd like to get back into them. Send in ideas please!

Also, I planned for this to be a short oneshot, but I realized that once you get stubborn Dipper and stubborn Pacifica talking, they don't stop 😂. Hope y'all enjoy!

"So, what's the issue here?" Gideon asked, looking at the forest.

"Ugh, you don't get it." One half of the Gleeful twins scoffed. "This forest makes you spill your secrets, one way or another."

Dipper snorted and looked at his sister. "I'm sorry, I've read many long and obscure passages about the unknown, however I have never read anything about a truth-telling forest ."

Pacifica watched Mabel glare at her brother. This was really not her day. Pacifica had planned to take it easy today, but she ended up getting dragged along with the Gleeful twins on a monster hunt.

"Look, to catch the creature," Mabel sighed, "we need to go through there."

Dipper led them into the darkened woods. "Well, come on, this should take ten minutes."

Once they walked through for awhile, no one said a word. Pacifica knew how their relationship worked. They weren't friends so much as they were partners.

She and Gideon got along swell, because they were cousins. And Mabel and Dipper got along (well, more or less) because they were twins. However neither from either group seemed to be friends with the others.

They just handled situations together.

"Gosh, I'm so hungry, I really shouldn't have eaten that taco I found in the living room." Gideon said suddenly.

Everyone froze, even Gideon.

"Um, what?" Pacifica looked over at him.

"What the heck?!" Gideon exclaimed. "Why the heck did I just say that?!"

Mabel smirked. "This place will rip the truth out of you. Whether you want it to or not."

Right on cue Mabel froze. "I swear the tension between those two is thick enough to cut with a knife! It's driving me crazy!"

Dipper raised a brow at his sister. "What the hell are you talking about, Mabel?"

Gideon frowned. "Those two? Which two?"

Pacifica sighed and kept her mouth shut. She knew if she opened her lips, a random truth would come flying out.

Dipper sighed. "Well, it's a shame that you and that buffoon have too many secrets." He glanced between Mabel and Gideon. "I'm assuming that's why you're spewing more than Gideon on the Tilt-a-Whirl."

Gideon looked flustered. "H-hey!"

"And you don't have any secrets?" Pacifica couldn't help but ask the egotistical twin. "I figured someone like you would have killed someone to keep your secrets quiet."

"It's never come to that, but I appreciate that you're thinking of me, sweetheart." Dipper smirked.

"Was that a partial truth?" Gideon asked, "never coming to killing someone?"

Dipper shrugged. "I suppose my secrets are just too secret for the woods to handle." He laughed lightly. "Trust me, it's better this way. Now, let's keep moving."

The four continued on through their trek in the woods, with both Mabel and Gideon spitting out some occasional truths.

However, as soon as they entered a more sinister part of the forest, something in Pacifica compelled her to speak it or she would lose her mind.

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