Saying The Wrong Thing

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Okay this is another sorta prequel to the To Tell You The Truth oneshot. This was requested by @elysianataraxia and I hope y'all enjoy!

"I dunno what to do." Cody heaved a sigh, "and well, I know the two of us aren't friends, but I know that you know Pacifica."

Dipper nodded lightly. "Yes. We're acquaintances." Acquaintances was definitely something that they were, despite the fact that it wasn't what he wanted with her.

"Look, Gleeful, I like this girl." He smiled, clearly thinking about her. "She's smart, she's funny, she's kind."

"Yes." Dipper nodded.

Unbeknownst to the two boys, Pacifica was just around the corner. She was going to surprise Cody (not knowing that Dipper was there) until she heard her name come up in conversation.

Now, she was listening in, or eavesdropping. It wasn't like she planned on listening in, but she couldn't help her curiosity.

"I just think she thinks I'm not interested anymore." Cody sighed, running a hand through his hair in a distressed manner.

"What makes you say that?" Dipper raised a brow. He didn't need to ask, he already knew why.

"I've just been busier, and she was always hanging out with you lot." Cody chuckled. "I dunno why or how you guys are friends. Paz is so sweet and you're so arrogant."

"Oooookay, I will process that insult on my own time." Dipper drew out the word 'okay' clearly not expecting a light insult from Cody Chiu. "And?"

"Well, I guess I just thought she was into you." Cody continued. "She's always talking about you, and she's always hanging around you. Not to mention I saw you guys chatting away at your stupid ball a few days ago."

"Stupid ball, right." Dipper clenched his teeth. "Well, if it makes you feel any better she convinced me to invite you to that. I never would have even considered it if she hadn't asked me."


"But, I'll have you know that when you saw us talking, we were talking about you." Dipper continued, the conversation was like pulling teeth.

"Really?" Cody cheered right up.

"Yes. She expressed her concerns about you being uninterested and I told her that if you weren't interested to drop you like third period French."

"Yikes." Cody whistled.

From around the corner, Pacifica leaned in a little more. True, from an outsider's perspective, it would appear she was into Dipper.

Was she into Dipper? Heavens no! She had feelings for Cody and whatever it was with Dipper. They were just friends. They just solved mysteries together and occasionally got locked in a closet for it.

Was there a small part of her that hoped Dipper would kiss her when they were locked in the closet together?

. . .yes.

Pacifica shook her head. She would, much like Dipper, have to process that on her own time. Right now, she needed to figure out what Cody was feeling for her.

"You waste no time hitting hard." Cody whistled again, laughing to diffuse the tense situation. "Did you seriously tell her to drop me?"

"I remember telling you that I suggested dropping you if you continued to appear uninterested." Dipper scoffed, crossing his arms. "Besides, that is on you and you alone."

"Like I said, man," Cody's voice turned slightly cold. "I thought you guys kinda had a thing. I didn't want her to have to choose. So I stayed back."

"Paz and I aren't like that." Dipper said offhandedly, appearing slightly hesitant. "She's my closest confidant. A good person. She's someone you can tell a secret to and not have to worry about her telling anyone. She's confident in who she is and what she wants.

"But she's also insecure. Sometimes she'll think that she isn't enough, or what she's doing to help people isn't enough to help them. There's a big difference between being a good person inside and doing good things. She told me that you can't teach kindness, and I think she's right. She must've been born that way or something. She's agreeable, helpful, beautiful. But she's the most stubborn and annoying girl I've ever met."

Pacifica felt her blood run cold. Dipper Freaking Arrogant Gleeful just rambled on about her! How great he thought she was.

Cody went silent for a moment. Biting his lip, he looked to the floor. "Oh. I see. She doesn't have a thing for you, you have a thing for her."

Dipper stammered. It was the most unintelligent spew that ever came out of his mouth since he was a toddler. Holy shit.

How the hell did he just do that? Why did he just do that?!

"No!" Dipper finally managed to spit out. "I notice these things about people, alright?"

Cody shook his head. "You can quit the act, Gleeful, the cameras aren't rolling. You like Paz. Dare I even say you love her?"

Dipper silently fumed. He'd always been careful with letting his feelings out. He was always so careful keeping them to himself.

But once he started talking about Pacifica, he couldn't stop for the life of him.

"She has no idea, does she?" Cody whispered.

"No. She doesn't know." Dipper spat out, annoyed at his emotional spew.

Cody sucked in a breath. "Well?"

"You have no reason to worry, Cody." Dipper admitted reluctantly. "It's as you said, she doesn't know, and if you want things to work out between you two, you won't tell her. I care about her too much to make her choose."

Cody nodded once. He placed a hand on Dipper's shoulder, "thank you, Dipper."

"I'm not doing it for you." Dipper spat. "It's for her. She deserves happiness, and if you make her happy, then so be it."

The two boys went in opposite directions, leaving Pacifica (who was still hiding behind the corner) to process everything she just heard.

It couldn't have been true. Dipper must've known she would be there and wanted to mess with her like he'd always done.

Whatever the case may be, Pacifica promised she wouldn't think too much about it.

Pacifica could hardly sleep that night. She just hoped that her lack of sleeping was due to hearing that Cody was still interested in her.

And not because of what Dipper said.

It's a little shorter than my last two oneshots but I hope y'all enjoyed it regardless! Please request more! PM me or post them in the comment section. Stay safe out there and keep smiling my lovelies!

-Kaori Miyazono <3

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