Spilt Milkshake

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Okay this oneshot is from a little pic I found ↺ [in the media or somewhere XD] and I had to write one for this! Of course it's very short so I added some stuff! Please enjoy!

(Pacifica's Pov)
I sat in the Greasy Diner waiting for my strawberry milkshake to come. Gideon was waiting outside, he didn't want a milkshake because he claimed he felt sick. I figured that it was because he didn't want to see Mabel Gleeful. I, of course, sighed and told him he had no to worry about. He didn't listen. When my milkshake finally came, I payed for it and sat down on one of the stools to drink it. I was just about to take a sip of it, when I felt a weird presence behind me. I glanced to my left and saw Dipper standing next to me giving me that devilish smirk he gives all the girls. "Go away." I mumbled.

"Why?" He asked. "I just got here. And believe it or not, I plan on staying."

"Could you leave maybe?" I asked, hoping he'd just get bored of me and leave.

"Hmmm," he said like he was thinking about it, "yeah no."

"I'm not asking again." I said, a little more stern this time.

"And I already told you my answer." He replied, rolling his eyes. "I'm. Not. Going. Anywhere."

I sighed and was about to take a sip of my milkshake when I saw the familiar blue glow surrounding it. Dipper used his amulet to lift it out of my hands and sip from it casually. He smiled devilishly at me and I faked a smile back.

A moment later I was storming out of the Greasy Diner with my Journal in hand. Gideon looked at me confused and wondered why I looked so pissed. He looked inside the Diner, and saw an all to familiar Dipper Gleeful covered in what was left of my strawberry milkshake. I saw Gideon cover his mouth to attempt to not laugh. Dipper looked at me and frowned. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

Later that night, the doorbell rang and Gideon made me get it. I opened the door to see a very furious Dipper Gleeful. Uh-oh. I thought. "What do you want?" I asked.

"You humiliated me in front of almost everyone!" He shouted.

"Next time don't take from me. Ask politely." I smiled sheepishly. "You should of known not to steal."

He looked super pissed. His hand reached towards me and I flinched, but he only grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me to his lips and kissed me. My eyes widened in surprise but, to my surprise, I found myself kissing back. He broke the kiss fixed his tie and left me dumbfounded by what the hell just happened.

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