You Can Hit On Me But You Can't Kiss Me

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"Hey," Pacifica heard Dipper Gleeful's voice from behind her as she shut her locker. She frowned slightly and muttered, "here we go again" and turned towards Dipper Gleeful. He had a grin on his face that usually got all the girls to fall over him and drool. But Pacifica was smarter than that. "What do you want, Gleeful?"

He leaned his shoulder on the locker next to hers and smirked at her. "Just came to see my favorite girl."

"I'm not 'your favorite girl', Gleeful, and nice try. You've used that on my friend before." Pacifica frowned.

"Aw, don't be so uptight." He put a hand on her shoulder.

She picked up his hand and pushed it off her shoulder. "Don't touch me, Gleeful."

"Come on, Pazzie." He whined. "I've been flirting with you for over a week and you still haven't given in!"

"I know, I must be the first?" She remarked.

"Please!" He begged. "Go out with me once!"

"No, Gleeful." Pacifica sighed. "And leave me alone."

He frowned, "hmm."

"What?" She asked.

He leaned towards her in attempts to kiss her and he knew that once he did she would fall for him, but she put her hand out and pushed his face away. "Again, nice try Gleeful. You can hit on me, but you can't kiss me."


I dunno, I just thought it was cute!

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