You Thief

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Requested by HardyTwister hope y'all enjoy!

"We finally got them, Paz." Gideon ran into the sheriff's office and was shouting to his cousin, who happened to be the sheriff. "There attempting to rob the bank!"

"We've got them now!" Pacifica quickly jumped out of her chair and sprinted towards the door. "Gideon, give me information."

"They came into town early this morning, hoping no one would spot them, but we all did." Gideon explained, running after his cousin.

Pacifica looked back at him. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Because they weren't doing anything?" Gideon asked.

"Ugh next time arrest them." Pacifica sighed, finally coming up on the bank. "Where are they?"

"Inside." Gideon said, sounding out of breath. "Quickly, Paz."

Pacifica held her breath, and stepped inside the bank.


It was dark, and cold, Pacifica couldn't see a thing except for two shadows, holding money bags. Pacifica felt a smile crawl onto her lips. She had been trying to catch the Terror Twins for ages, and tonight, she finally would have them behind bars. She heard laughing and whispering, she walked quietly through the halls of the bank.

"C'mon Mabel, we've got to hurry." A male voice said, making Pacifica's ears perk up.

"No one's going to catch us." A female with a southern accent said. "I would like to see them try."

As he knew Pacifica needed backup, Gideon had sent Cody and himself in to help with the Terror Twins. Pacifica mouthed 'thanks' while Gideon just nodded.

"Wait, I thought I heard something." The male voice said again, and Pacifica held her breath.

"Relax, Dipshit, no one knows we're here." The southern one said.

Pacifica tried not to snicker. Dipshit?

"Just hurry the hell up." 'Dipshit' hissed.

Pacifica heard feet coming this way, and she signaled her troupe to hold up their guns.

The Terror Twins stopped right as they saw them, and stared straight at them. "Damnit." 'Dipshit' whispered, while the female eyed Pacifica.

"You'll never take me alive!" The female shouted, pushing her brother forward and snatching the money, before sprinting off.

"MABEL YOU [insert swear words of your choice here to make it more funny] !!!" The male shouted as Cody and Gideon put handcuffs on his wrists.

"Wonderful." Pacifica smiled. "Now we'll ask him questions later."


"I swear I dunno anything." Dipper heaved a sigh as he paced in his cell. "I dunno-" he paused to yawn- "what you expect me to tell you."

Pacifica frowned. "You have to know something."

"Sorry darling, you caught the wrong twin." Dipper smirked. "I don't come up with the plans."

"Arrgh!" Pacifica groaned. "You're useless."

"I know." He chuckled.

"So why did your sister do that?" Pacifica finally asked.

"Do what?" He arched a brow.

"Sacrifice you." She explained.

"Because it was either me or her. Eventually I would have done it and vice versa " Dipper sighed. "It's just how it works."

"Well I wouldn't throw my cousin under the bus." Pacifica frowned, "why doesn't she trust you?"

"Because she never will." He said, "it's always been this way."

Pacifica felt pity for him, because of his sister.

"Oh spare me your pity." He snapped, then looked extremely pale. Like he had just spoiled a secret.

"I....never said.....I have to go." She got up and walked from the room.


Pacifica had sent her cousin and Cody to watch the man while she got some time to think. She was quite confused by what he had said, she knew that reading minds was impossible, but maybe it wasn't? "Oh Pacifica, now you're talking crazy." She shook her head, "but maybe I should interrogate him a little bit more." She got up from her chair and walked back to the cell where Dipper was being kept.

She couldn't believe her eyes. The cell door was open and Cody was sitting on the floor same with Gideon. "What the hell happened?!"

Cody looked up, "....what...?"

Gideon gazed up at Pacifica, "I saw butterflies!"

"That's nice, but where the hell is he?" Pacifica shouted.

The two boys shrugged. "God you're useless." Pacifica frowned.

She ran from the room and went immediately to her office to get whatever she'd need to catch this twin. She slammed the office door and walked over to her desk-

"Damn, you've found my hiding place." A familiar voice chuckled.

Pacifica swung around to see the man standing by her door. She knew she was a goner. Unless she could get to her pistol. She made a dive for her pistol, but it was lifted from her, by magic?

The man moved the gun over to him and sighed, "you weren't really going to shoot me, were you sweetheart?"

"Maybe I was!" She snapped. "And don't call me that."

"Well I have to go-"

"How'd you do it?" Pacifica dared to ask.

"Exactly what you're thinking." He chuckled. "I used my mind."

"Why didn't you do it when I was questioning you?" She felt her hand shake. "Why Gideon and Cody?"

"Because their minds are weak, unlike yours." He rolled his eyes, as if it was plain as day. "Now I better go, see you around," before Pacifica could stop him, he pressed his lips against hers for a little bit, then pulled away from her, and disappeared from the room.

".........." Pacifica's eyes widened. "What the f-"

Tada!!! Sorry for the long wait, I've had so much to do.

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