Cat and Mouse

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Request by LunarEclipse86 hope y'all enjoy!

Pacifica was already out of breath. It was late at night, but she knew that she needed to get away as fast as she could, before he caught up to her. She held the third Journal tightly in her arms and held it close to her chest as she ran.

"Stop running, Pacifica." A dark chuckle sounded all around her, making her panic even more. "Seriously, this isn't exactly my idea of fun."

Pacifica stayed quiet as she ran deeper into the forest, hoping that he would just give up the chase and walk away from this. But she knew better than that; Dipper Gleeful never gave up what he started hunting.

Unfortunately for Pacifica, she tripped over a tree root and tumbled down a conveniently located hill. She knew for sure that she hurt her ankle, and that she wouldn't be able to run from him any longer.

Dipper appeared next to the blonde and looked down at her. "You tripped." He pointed out mildly.

"Thank you for pointing that out." She replied.

"You're hurt." He added.

"I'm fine!" She snapped. "Get away from me!"

"You need help." Dipper continued, lifting Pacifica off of the forest grounds. He held her close to his chest. "You shouldn't be running around the woods like a madman in the middle of the night, Pazzie."

"I was trying to run from you and your sister." She sighed. "But I knew that wouldn't work."

"Then why try running?" He asked, chuckling. "Don't worry, Mabel already has Gideon." His gaze turned possessive, like he wouldn't let anything take his prize. "You will be mine~"

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