act iv- part ii (4.5/5)

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Hello! Welcome back, I hope you all took a nice break and drank some water, slept, or ate some food. Or all three. See, I told y'all that this part would be updated not long after I posted the last one. I was supposed to update it before I went to work at noon today but I totally forgot. Then I went home and built a shelf I got from a furniture store. As I was building it, I was like "wasn't I supposed to be doing something?" After that, it hit me that I hadn't posted this part yet 🤦‍♀️

So, sorry this is out later than I intended. After this, we have one more act (that will most likely be split in two parts again because dang your girl can write) to go and then this story is over. Will I post more from this AU? Probably, if inspiration shall strike 😂

Without further ado, let's jump right back into where we left off, shall we?



Pacifica skidded to a halt, nearly tripping over her own feet. She glanced behind her just in time to see Robbie jogging up to her.

With rushed air, Pacifica asked if he had a charger in his lab for a video camera while he rushed to tell her something she didn't quite catch.

"Huh?" They both regarded each other in sync, but Pacifica was the first to break out of her haze.

"Do you have a charger in your lab for a video camera?" She asked again with clear and concise wording.

Robbie stared quizzically back at her. "Um, yeah, I'm almost certain I do. Where in hell did you find that?"

Pacifica looked down at the camera then back up to Robbie's face. "I found it in the cathedral, hidden away so no one could find it."

"Great hiding place, then, seeing as you found it."

"Anyways, unfortunately it's out of battery, but I feel as though we can't just ignore this camera." Pacifica shook her head, holding the camera even tighter against her chest. "I have a hunch that Dipper was the one who put this camera in place."

"Heh, that makes sense." Robbie shook his head, amused. "Alright, if you want, I can take that to my lab and keep an eye on it till it finishes charging up." He held out his hands, waiting patiently.

Pacifica must've hesitated for a minute too long, because Robbie's determined expression faltered. "You can trust me, Paz. Besides, Scarlett found something pretty interesting herself. I think you should take a look at. . .whatever they are."

Pacifica set her jaw and willed herself to hurry with her own decision. "Alright, I'll go check it out."

"Just. . ." He placed his free hand on her shoulder. "Just be. . .a bit more gentle with her, okay? She's more upset about Cody's death than she's letting on." His face said he wanted to tell her more, but he knew it wasn't his place.

"I will." She nodded. "I'm trusting you with this camera. If anything happens to it, we are all doomed."

Robbie paled instantly, so maybe that wasn't the best way to phrase it, considering Pacifica didn't even know what the camera's contents entailed, but she just had a good feeling that the camera was important. After all, Dipper left it. Regardless of her phrasing, Robbie gave her a firm nod before running off in the direction of his lab.

"Wait! You didn't tell me where Scarlett was!" Pacifica shouted after him, but he was long gone. Groaning at her own stupidity for not asking sooner, Pacifica tried to think of a place that Scarlett would have insisted on investigating. The one place that Scarlett would've thought held any evidence—

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