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I have no idea who requested this because this was from a long long long time ago. Anyways, hope y'all enjoy!

Throughout the town of Reverse Falls, there was one thing that everyone knew about. Reverse Falls was never the type of town to be quiet, yet it was able to stay safely off the map.

Everyone knew the Suits. Where they had stemmed from, who they actually were, nothing was known. The most formidable were Diamond and Spades. No matter what law enforcement authorities tried to subdue them, they bounced right back. They were insane supervillains after all.

If they were caught, they escaped in less than three minutes. It was a desperately futile game of Cat and Mouse that went on for years.

But one person had a little more information on them then the rest of the force. She had been chasing them for years, whether it was her assignment or not, she never enjoyed it when they won. It was beyond infuriating.

On their latest escapade, Pacifica had taken aim and fired into the crowd of them. It was a weird tactic the Suits had; they swarmed big enough to keep any attention off of their boss. They swarmed like moths exposed to light.

Through the chaos of the swarming, Pacifica noticed that she had actually shot someone; Spades. He laid on the ground, blood pouring out of a wound on his leg (had she really hit him in the leg? She always assumed she had better aim than that) more henchmen swarming him.

Pacifica heard loud commotion but before she and her force could act upon it, the Suits (and the most important of the lot) had disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At that moment, she didn't really care if they escaped, because Pacifica did shoot him. That was what she was fixated on. How could she have done something so stupid?


Pacifica couldn't help but groan. Of course it was her dad, running toward her. She already knew exactly what he was going to say. 'You shouldn't be here! When I suggested that you intern for the force—'

"You shouldn't be here!" He exclaimed, wrenching the gun out of her hand. "When I suggested—"

"I know, Dad, I know." Pacifica shrugged and looked across the alleyway, frowning instantaneously. If Spades had allowed even a drop of his blood to drip onto the concrete before them, they could easily figure out who he was. But he was smarter than that, Pacifica knew in great deal how smart he was. "But my intel was good, wasn't it? I told you that they were gonna be here!"

Preston Southeast looked torn between complimenting her and scolding her. "Your intel was good, it's true, but you have to leave this work to the actual adults. Otherwise you're just as criminal as the Suits."

Pacifica bit her tongue.

"Sir, information," an op jogged over to where Preston stood. "Spades was shot."

Preston's eyes widened. "Are you serious, David? Who? Is there—"

"No, no blood." He sighed. "He's too smart. Even when he's bleeding out he prioritizes."

Pacifica couldn't help but grin at that. It was amusing, to say the least.

"Is he alive?" Preston demanded. "This thing has done too much damage to society, I will not allow him the easy way out."

"He's alive." Pacifica sighed and shook her head. "I, uh,"

"Oh yeah!" David grinned. "Your daughter's one helluva shot! Got him in the midst of everything! Wish you coulda seen it, Preston!"

Preston scrubbed angrily at his face. "Pacifica, honey, I know you want to help more than anything, but you understand that it is too dangerous!"

"It's not!" Pacifica yelled. "It is far from dangerous, I am never hurt in these scenarios, because I was trained by you! I know what I'm doing."

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