Are You Staying?

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Requested by Ambernot hope y'all enjoy~

"You ruined what we had!" Pacifica shouted, but she would not cry. She wouldn't let him see that he got to her.

"I didn't ruin anything!" He yelled. "That was on you!"

"Jesus, Dipper!" She yelled, frustrated with his claim. "I've told you a million times! Cody. Is. Just. A. Friend." 

"He doesn't seem to think that!" Dipper yelled.

"Yeah right!" Pacifica retorted. "And what about you and Peyton?!"

"She means nothing to me!"

"Really?! Because it doesn't seem that way!" She shouted back at him, hoping he would just stop breaking her heart. "And you didn't have to beat Cody up! What's wrong with you?!"

"He knew what he was doing even after I warned him to keep away from you!" Dipper frowned and hoped that Pacifica would come to her senses sooner rather than later. "Paz, don't you see that you're the only one I care about?!"

"It doesn't seem that way." She muttered, making Dipper roll his eyes in anger. "Don't roll your eyes!" She snapped, "do you even want to be here?!"

"Yes!" Dipper said, throwing his hands up for emphasis. "I do want to be here!"

Pacifica scoffed. "I doubt it!"

"How can you doubt how I feel for you?!" He exclaimed.

"You checked out of this relationship a long time ago!" She screamed.

"I did not!" He frowned deeper than he did when he mentioned Peyton who actually meant as much to him as brick.

"Do you even care about me?" She whispered the question as if she was afraid to know the truth.

"Pacifica," he took a deep breath, "I care for you so much that it hurts. It actually hurts to know that you question how much I care for you. Even though I didn't show it, I cared for you since day one. I'm sorry if I haven't been showing it lately, and I thought it was enough and just guess it's still not enough, I leave now." He slowly backed towards the door and opened it without hesitation, not even caring if she called him back or not. Because he knew he deserved this, well, sort of deserved it.

"Dipper wait," Pacifica called. He turned around to face her and she had tears in her eyes, he didn't see Pacifica cry that often, even when Mabel assaulted her in school. Before he processed what was going on, he realized that Pacifica had wrapped him in a tight hug. He didn't even need to ask, because her eyes said it all. After a long couple of minutes of holding each other, she finally spoke. "Are you staying?" She asked.

"Of course." He replied, kissing the top of her head. "Like you could keep me away."

She rolled her eyes. "I could."

"Doubt it." He scoffed. "I love you."

"Hmm." She tapped her chin, like she was thinking about her answer. "I guess I love you." She rolled her eyes teasingly.


Sorry if this isn't exactly what you wanted! And head a up you guys, after this, I have two veeeeeeeeeeeery long oneshots that got requested so they might take me awhile to type out! And sorry for not updating in forever!

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