So, You're Cursed?

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Requested by HardyTwister , seriously, you are the best! Hope y'all enjoy!

Pacifica walked down the street to get home from school. She was tired after a long day, and all she wanted to do was get home and sleep. She heaved another yawn before she saw it. Pacifica stopped walking and titled her head to the side.

On the opposite side of the street, there a little black cat laying on the road, motionless. With a sob, she rushed over to it hoping that it wasn't dead. "Please don't be dead." She whispered as she patted its head.

The cat instantly stirred and looked up at her. Pacifica gasped. The cat's eyes were different colors. One was a striking arctic blue which was rare among cats or any animal and the other eye was grey and seemed almost lifeless.

"Oh thank god." She sighed in relief, but she then caught a glimpse of the cat's side. There was a long set of claw marks raked across its side that were coated in red.

She scooped up the kitten and rushed to the vet, where hopefully she could save it.

When she arrived at the clinic, a vet managed to save the kitten but she did tell Pacifica that the kitten was lucky Pacifica had found it. One minute more and it would have died.

So fast forward five minutes later and Pacifica remained sitting quietly in the waiting room. She didn't want to leave the cat there, and she wanted to make sure it was alright and who owned it.

"Excuse me, miss?"

Pacifica looked up and the vet was standing there, holding the black kitten. "Yes?"

"Does this little kitty belong to you?"

"Um," She looked at the cat and decided she needed some company. "Yes he does."

"Well he should be fine now." The vet smiled sadly. "How'd he even get that scar?"

"I left my door open and he ran out." Pacifica lied. "I've been looking for him for awhile now."

"Well I bet he's happy you found him, right?" She handed the kitten to Pacifica.

"Yeah," Pacifica murmured as the cat laid down in her lap. "I bet he is."

After thanking the vet a million times, Pacifica carried the cat in her arms as she walked home. Once she finally got in the house, the cat sprang out of her arms and raced to the kitchen.

"Oh. . ." she said. "You're hungry?"

Pacifica followed the cat into the kitchen and watched as it jumped onto the counter and let out the quietest, cutest mewl she'd ever heard.

"Oh my god you're so cute!" She scooped up the cat in her arms. "I'll find you something to eat, I promise."

She searched through the fridge, kitten still in her arms, and finally found some leftover ham and some milk.

Pacifica places the kitty down on the floor and quickly dished out the food to him. "There you go, buddy." She smiled as the kitty began to nibble on the food.

She sat down on a chair nearby and hummed to herself. "We need to get you a name, kitty. How about. . . Ètoile?"

The cat looked at her with an expression that seemed to frown. "Definitely not," He suddenly said, scaring Pacifica halfway out of her skin. "Ètoile means 'star' in French, I know that because it's my second —was— my second language."

"W-what. . ." Pacifica stammered. "Did you just—"

"Speak?" The cat seemed to chuckle. "Yes, I speak. I'm one of those rare cats you read about in your fantasy novels."

"Like a God of the Forest?" Pacifica asked.

"No," the cat sighed. "Not like that."

"Okay." Pacifica bit her lip and looked around. "How can you speak?"

"Well, basically I was cursed a long time ago." The cat explained. "Therefore I was a human, but now I am a cat."

"It doesn't make sense." Pacifica shook her head, still trying to figure out if she was dreaming. "Am I dreaming?"

"No." The cat snapped. "You are definitely not dreaming."

"This isn't right." She muttered. "How long ago were you cursed?"

"A long while ago." The cat sighed. "1418."

". . ."

"Oh god I've said too much." The cat looked away from her. "Can we pretend I didn't speak?"

"I'm not sure we can." Pacifica admitted.

"Unless," The cat grinned. "Just go to sleep, Miss. . ?"

"Pacifica." She replied without thinking. "My name is Pacifica."

"Pacifica." The cat seemed to grin. "That's a beautiful name."

"Well, what's your name?" She countered. "Since you obviously didn't like the name Ètoile."

"Hmm," The cat sighed. "Call me Dipper."

Thank you guys for requesting! In case you haven't noticed, there is about 128 chapters in this book now. Wattpad only allows you to have 200 which is totally reasonable. 72 more chapters until this is completed! Wowzers!

Anyways, keep smiling my lovelies!

-Kaori Miyazono <3

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