He's Trying To Kill Me

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I honestly think many of you will know where I got this idea! Please enjoy~
PS: Don't ask about the song, I just thought it fit in some weird way. Okay now to the oneshot~

Pacifica heard the door to the attic open and he climbed up. She glanced at a nearby clock before realizing that it was broken. She couldn't exactly tell how long he had been gone but she knew it was quite a while. "Where have you been?" She asked him, quickly leaving their game of chess-which she had won-to interrogate him. He never exactly said where he was going but Pacifica knew wherever he was going, something bad would happen.

He walked swiftly over to her, a mischievous grin on his face. With one hand, he moved a piece of hair out of her face. And the other, held something that he concealed well enough that she didn't know what it was. "I bought us some time." He murmured, his breath mingled on her face.

The statement confused Pacifica and she gave him a puzzled look. "Time for what? What did you do to my dad?!" She started to freak out a little, she knew Dipper did something and it worried her.

Dipper gripped his hair, growing frustrated. "Nothing!" He promised, "I didn't do anything! I only bought us time!" He looked at Pacifica with almost sorrowful eyes but she saw right through it and saw the crazy side. He reached out towards her and cupped her face in his hands. "They're going to take you away from me. And we have to stay together." He whispered and Pacifica saw a plastic bag in his hand. "But I've found a way for us to stay together," he moved his hands away from her face while uncovering what he had concealed in his hand before. A plastic bag.

Full of pills

Pacifica stared at him, like he was crazy-which she knew he was-and slowly realized what he meant. "Y-you mean commit suicide?" She gasped, and took a tiny step back, hoping he wouldn't realize.

He nodded briefly, before gripping the young blonde by her shoulders. "Don't you see? This is the only way we can be together. And if this isn't enough," he pulled another plastic bag out of his pocket and showed it to Pacifica, "we have these."

"Where did you get those?" Pacifica asked, trying not to show how terrified she actually was.

"Your father has a lot of prescription drugs for his patients." Dipper explained. He knew that her father would wake up any minute and catch them in the act, so he had to act fast.

"What did you do to my dad?!" Pacifica asked again, realizing that Dipper had done something.

"Nothing!" Dipper screamed, "I only knocked him out to buy us some time!" He grabbed her arms and made her look in his eyes. "Because we're running out of options!" Pacifica knew that what Dipper was saying, was true. Her father didn't like Dipper because of his mental state while her mother had nothing to say at all. "It's like Romeo and Juliet." He explained. "A tragic love story."

"You're right." Pacifica nodded slowly. "It's the only way we can be together."

Dipper nodded and knew that she finally understood what he meant. "Alright," he mused starting to slowly open the bag of pulls.

"Can we do it in the bath?" Pacifica finally got the courage to ask.

"What? No, why?" He asked hoping that she wasn't having second thoughts about the whole 'die because we love each other' situation.

"Because it'll be calm and I can light some candles." She explained in a quiet voice hoping that he would understand.

Seeing that this is what she really wanted, Dipper nodded. "Yeah, okay."

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