Harsher Encounter

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Part 3 guys, here we go! I hope y'all enjoy!

Don't mention it? That is the worst thing you could have ever said! Pacifica groaned aloud and almost slammed her head against her desk.

"Are you that sleep-deprived that you think slamming your head into your desk is the solution?" Gideon asked, looking at her.

"No." She admitted. "I'm trying to solve a problem for a friend."

"And how's that going for you?"

"Not well." She signed. "The thing is, it's a complicated issue and I want to help this friend of mine, but it's hard when they won't try and let you in."

"Sounds serious." Gideon signed. "But are they really a friend if they aren't letting you in?"

"Alright, maybe I just met this person like yesterday." Pacifica gave in. "And it was a very serious situation."

"So serious that you can't even tell me?" Gideon asked.

"Yeah." She sighed. "I'm sorry, but it's very personal to this person and I don't want to tell something that isn't mine to tell."

He nodded. "That's fair."

"Thanks, Gids." She said. "Now I'm gonna go to the bathroom."

Pacifica raised her hand to get the teacher's permission, and just like that, she walked into the hall, her intent on going to the bathroom.

When she was halfway down the hall, she noticed a familiar voice from behind her.

"No, tell them that I don't have time for that tonight. . . .no, don't say that. Say that I'm getting high with a bunch of upperclassmen at the pond."

Pacifica froze in her steps. No way, it couldn't be. She turned around and saw him pacing back and forth.

The bathroom could wait, she needed to know why he was there. She walked slowly down the hall and her eyes widened.

It was him. It really was.

". . .Dipper?"

Dipper looked up, a deer caught in headlights was the look he gave her. "I'll call you back," He whispered into the phone. "What are you doing here?" His attention full on her.

"In case you didn't know, I go to school here." Pacifica defended. "Now why the heck are you here?"

"For your information, I happen to go to school here." He crossed his arms. "There, now that we have that sorted out—"

"How are you?" She asked before he could finish.

He wrinkled his nose, "how am I? Why would you ask— oh, I see."

Pacifica felt awkward, just standing in the hallway and uber close to him. She hadn't noticed it before, since she was focused on saving him, but he was incredibly attractive.

Well-built, perfect cheek-bones. Mr. Perfect. The real one. Thick brown hair, styled perfectly on his head, showing his pretty blue eyes.

Pretty blue eyes? Wow, she was never one for romanticizing things, but his eyes were an exception.

"Okay, you can stop gawking at me, this can't be the first time you noticed." Dipper rolled his eyes.

"I'm not gawking at anyone!" Pacifica lied. "I'm just awaiting your answer."

"I see." Dipper murmured and leaned against the wall. "I suppose I'm fine."

"That sounds like a load of crap." Pacifica frowned and crossed her arms. "Tell me how you really feel."

Sighing, Dipper faced her. "I'm just. . .tired, Barbie."

"It's Pacifica." She stated. "What kind of tired? Physical tired? Or emotionally tired?"


"Are you asking me or telling me?"

". . .telling you?"

"Ugh," Pacifica groaned. "You're hopeless."

Dipper suddenly recoiled in disgust. "Then why bother with me? If I'm such a hopeless case, why are you still around?"

She froze, "t-t-that's not what I meant!"

Dipper frowned and crossed his arms. "Look, I understand what you're trying to do. You're the type who wants to help whoever they can no matter the cost. And, honestly, that's pretty admirable. But, I'm begging you, stop helping me."

"W-what?" Pacifica asked.

"It's toxic." Dipper pointed out. "You're such a beautiful and happy person, you don't need this toxicity that I'm sure to bring in your life."

The hall was silent for several moments after Dipper's little monologue. Even though silence by definition is quiet, it echoed across the empty hall.

He looked down at the recently waxed floor.

She looked away to the wall.

The bell rang and people poured into the halls, surrounding them completely. Slowly, Dipper backed away and disappeared into the sea of students, completely shielding himself from Pacifica's view.

When she sought his eyes once again, she was shattered when she found that he was nowhere to be seen.

Thank you all for being patient with this update!! I've been pretty busy this summer and I just finally got to sit down and finish off this oneshot. Keep smiling, my lovelies

-Kaori Miyazono <3

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