Too Drunk To Care

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Requested by HardyTwister hope y'all enjoy!

"One more drink!" Gideon pestered.

"Uh. . .I feel too siiiiiiiiick." Pacifica groaned. "My head hurts."

"I'll be back in a bit." Gideon walked away, nearly running into someone else.

"You want a drink?" A smooth voice said in Pacifica's ear. She whirled around and saw her worst enemy standing there. "It's on me."

"You!" She exclaimed in her drunken state. "Just becausez I'm drrrrrrunk doesn't mean I don't haaaate you."

Dipper chuckled and took his seat next to hers. "Oh, so you're drunk?" He raised a brow, smirking ever so slightly.

"Yesssz I am!" Pacifica cried. "It was all Gideon'sz fault!"

Dipper draped an arm around her shoulders, "Aw, how cute, Southeast."

"Have a drink, Dipstick." Pacifica handed him a cup.

"Fine," he sighed, while taking a shot.

* * *

Thirty minutes later, Dipper and Pacifica were both laughing and talking. "Are you kidding?" Dipper asked, nearly dying of laughter.

"Nope!" She exclaimed, popping the 'p'. "Mabel tried to kill Gizeon."

"You're so drunk, right now, Pazzie." He murmured. "I need to get home. . . ."

"Well neither of us can't drivvvvvve." Pacifica pointed out. "So maybe we should call a cab?"

"Can you actually have a coherent conversation?" Dipper questioned.

"Will you ever make senseeeeeeee?" Pacifica whispered, leaning her head on his shoulders. "I can't go home like thissssssss!"

"I can't go home, my uncles will kill me." Dipper bit his lip. "There's only one thing we can do."

A half an hour later, the two arrived at a hotel. In their room they noticed that there was only one bed. "Oh shit." Dipper mused. "You want the bed? I'll sleep on the floor and-"

"We could both sleep on the bed." Pacifica pointed out.

"Wouldn't that be a little weird?" Dipper asked, not that he minded the idea.

"Not if we face opposite ways." Pacifica explained as she laid down.

Dipper took a seat on the bed and heaved a sigh. "This won't be bad at all." He told himself. When he laid down, he found himself staring into Pacifica's eyes. He chuckled and brought her closer to him, "you know, a one night stand never hurt anybody."

"Mhm," she murmured sleepily. "Are you suggesting that-"

He cut her off and put his finger on her lips. "Shush, let's not ruin this." 

* * *

When Pacifica woke up the next morning, she had a killer hangover. But what confused her more, was the arms wrapped around her waist. Too make matters worse, she soon noticed that the man she was sleeping with was none other than Dipper Gleeful.

"Dipper wake up," she hissed. "Dipper!"

His eyelids fluttered, but remained closed, signalling that the sexy magician was still out cold. Pacifica's frown deepened. "DIPPER FREAKING ARROGANT GLEEFUL!"

Dipper's eyes opened almost instantly. But when he saw her, he was only amused. "Hey love." He murmured, kissing her forehead.

"What happened last night?" Pacifica groaned, holding her palm against her forehead still surprised that Dipper called her 'love'.

Dipper gave her a mischievous grin as he got up from his side of the bed. "Let's just say you're going to hate walking for a bit."

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