Talking Helps

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This was requested awhile ago because you guys liked it! Hope y'all enjoy! Part 2

"So, why'd you want to do it?" Pacifica asked the boy who referred to himself as Dipper. "Why would you want to kill yourself?"

"I come from a tough family, Barbie." Dipper snorted. "Believe it or not, it's tough."

"Well, I dunno your family." She shrugged. "Tell me about them."

"My great uncles are the ones watching me and my sister mostly." Dipper explained. "But they don't really care about us. They just like where we live. My parents are rarely around anymore because they always have to travel for their work."

Pacifica nodded along. "I see."

"And when my parents are around, all they care about is my sister." He sneered. "It's sick. They have two children, if they didn't want me in the first place then they should have gotten rid of me."

Pacifica tried to conceal a gasp. "Was it always like this?" She asked, her voice shaking a bit.

"Yes." Dipper rolled his eyes. "No." He admitted a few seconds later. "It was better before my parents had to leave so much."

"How so?"

"Well, they actually cared about us instead of their reputations." He explained slowly. "But then everything changed and—!"

"Dipper," Pacifica placed her hand on his shoulder. "Calm down. It's okay."

Dipper pushed her hand off and stood up fast. "I don't even care anymore. I just want to get out of here." He frowned and looked over the edge of the cliff that Pacifica was blocking. "And since I'm a minor and can't get anywhere, over this cliff is the best option I have."

"Talking is better than dying." Pacifica coaxed. "Please, tell me more about your family."

"I hate them." He stared at the ground, bitterness in his eyes. "They don't care. If I died they would only care then."

"I know I know." She whispered, trying to keep her voice soothing.

"I hate it here." He spat. "I just wanna go."

"Go where?"

"Anywhere's better than here." Dipper scoffed. "Actually, I got I'm so much trouble for running away once."

"Where did you go?" Pacifica asked.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." He replied.

"Try me."

"Chicago." He chuckled. "I took the first bus to Chicago. Mainly because I thought the name sounded funny. City's pretty weird though."

"How long?"

"A week." Dipper sighed. "I wonder how long it took for them to notice I was gone. Probably the entire week."

"Dipper, you're being negative." Pacifica tried to reason.

"That's why dying wouldn't be too strange." He continued. "They wouldn't even notice, and if they did, it would be too late." Dipper picked up a rock from the ground and chucked it as far as he could. "It's always too late with them."

"Have you tried seeing a therapist?" She offered.

"Why would I do that when you're listening to me right now?" He asked, looking her in the eye.

"Well, I'm not as qualified as a therapist." Pacifica explained, fiddling with a piece of her hair.

"Well why not?" He sat up straighter. "You're just as competent."

Pacifica let out a quiet laugh. "Is that what you really think of them?"

"Therapists? Yes." He nodded. "You being just as competent? Yes. Although I bet you'd be smarter."

"You don't even know me." She rolled her eyes. "Anyways, back to you."

"Why didn't I go see a therapist?" He mused. "A million reasons, one being my parents declared that I didn't need one." His eyes darkened. "And their word is law."

"I don't think that's right." Pacifica admitted.

"Me neither, but who cares what two teenagers have to say about the crumbling of society and the uprising of adults?" He joked. "Last I checked, no one."

"I suppose you're right." Pacifica sighed. "I'd like to help you more, but it's getting dark, and my parents'll freak if I'm not home."

Dipper sighed in turn, stood up, and dusted off his pants. "I get it, you're parents are worried about you."

"Will you still be alive tomorrow?" Pacifica asked, looking at her phone.

"Most likely. You've talked me into not jumping off a cliff tonight." He replied.

"And what about ever?" She pressed.

"Can't say that I know just yet." He stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Give me your number." Pacifica demanded, "that way I can make sure."

"Oh okay, sure." Dipper recited his number to her quickly. "Now go, we don't want your parents freaking out because you're not home."

Pacifica nodded. "Alright. I'll check up on you whenever I can, Dipper." She turned to leave.


"What?" She stopped and looked back at him.

"Thank you," he whispered.

"Oh," she blinked, "don't mention it."

Yes, hello! I'm aware of how inactive I've been with these oneshots. I'm sorry! I know I kinda popped up for almost an entire month updating Always like crazy and then I just stopped.

School's gotten more and more busy, but I'll try to get at least two chapters out per month with my oneshots and Always.

Keep smiling my lovelies!

-Kaori Miyazono <3

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