Jet Lag

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"What time is it where you are?" Dipper asked into the phone, where he hoped Pacifica would respond to his query.

"I miss you more than anything." Pacifica ignored his question, but that was kind of the only thing he wanted to hear. How much she missed him.

Dipper chuckled and walked around Gleeful Manor, still phone to ear and continued to talk with his girlfriend. "I'm back at home and you feel so far."

"Yeah I've been waiting for the phone to ring." Pacifica chuckled, making Dipper smile slightly.

"It's getting lonely living upside down," Dipper murmured, "I don't even want to be in this town. Trying to figure out the time zones, it's making me crazy."

"How so?" Pacifica asked.

"Like, you say 'good morning' when it's midnight. I'm going out of my head, alone in this bed, and then I wake up to your sunset. And it's driving me mad, I miss you so bad." Dipper explained to Pacifica. "Well on have to go, I'll call you later."

"Promise?" Pacifica asked.

"I swear on my life." Dipper promised.


"What time is it where you are?" Pacifica asked, clutching the phone waiting to hear his voice.

"Five more days and I'll be home." Dipper told her.

"I keep your picture in my car." She told him, hoping to get a positive reaction out of him.

"I hate the thought of you alone." Dipper admitted.

"I've been keeping busy all the time," Pacifica sighed, "just to try to keep you off my mind. Trying to figure out the time zone is making me crazy." Pacifica laughed, "it's like you said: You say 'good morning' when it's midnight. Going out of my head, alone in this bed, I wake up to your sunset. And it's driving me mad."

She heard him chuckle through the phone and she missed him even more. "I'm usually right."

"Uh-huh I've noticed." Pacifica rolled her eyes. "I miss you so bad."

"And I miss you so bad." Dipper replied.

"I want to share your horizon. And see the same sun rising." She whispered. "Turn the hour hand back to when you were holding me."

"Hey Paz, guess what." He whispered.

"What?" She sniffled.

"You say 'good morning' when it's midnight. I'm going out of my head, alone in this bed, and then I wake up to your sunset. And it's driving me mad, I miss you so bad." He said, making Pacifica laugh through her tears. "Open your window." He soon after said.

"Why?" Pacifica asked.

"Just do it." He sighed.

Pacifica walked over to her window and opened it slowly, bracing herself for what she might see. Her eyes popped out of her head when she saw.

Dipper was standing out there holding a phone close to his ear. Pacifica turned away and whispered into the phone. "I'm sorry Dipper, but I'm gonna have to call you back, there's some sexy magician outside my window begging for my attention."

Dipper chuckled. "Yeah, you better deal with him and then call me back."

"I promise." Pacifica said with a smile, before she hung up, and ran outside to meet up with Dipper.


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