Unbreak My Heart

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Pacifica sat on the steps of Reverse Falls High, hugging and silently cursing herself for being so blind. Her boyfriend, (it's not Dipstick) had been cheating on her with Mabel Gleeful, the girl who had always tried to torment Pacifica. She wiped the tears off her face with her sleeve and looked up at the sky. It was drizzling rain and it only made Pacifica's frown, deepen. Great, this day couldn't get any worse! The rain continued to pour on her and she hoped nobody saw her crying here. She already had a reputation for being Mabel Gleeful's enemy, and she didn't want people to see her crying over something Mabel did.

Little did she know, it had stopped raining on her. She looked up and saw an umbrella over her, covering her from the rain. She didn't know who was holding the umbrella, and at the moment, she didn't care. The person holding the umbrella, suddenly sat down next to her on the steps and she realized who it was. "I thought tough girls didn't cry." Dipper Gleeful remarked.

"I never said-" she stopped talking, she did say that to him earlier this week. She was just shocked that he remembered. "Well, we do."

"Huh, I should've known." The corners of Dipper's mouth turned upward just a little bit into an almost smile.

"Why are you here? Come to brag about what Mabel did to me." Pacifica accused.

"Actually, I came here to see if you needed this," he handed her the umbrella. "I thought you'd need it more than I did."

Pacifica was surprised by his nice gesture. "Did Mabel set you up to this?" She asked.

"Nope, no strings. I do have a heart you know," he gave her a lopsided smirk that usually would've made her roll her eyes, but now she didn't.

"I never said that you-"

"Yes you did," he said in a low toned voice.

"When?" She asked.

"November seventeenth, 2015." He started.

". . . . .why do you remember the date?"

"Just always have." He explained.

She rolled her eyes and smiled a little. "Yeah right, Gleeful."

"I'm serious!" He said. "I honestly remember it. I remember everything you tell me."

"Alright, what did I tell you on the first day of French class?" She questioned.

He pondered the thought, but replied in a split second. You said, 'Tais-toi, Gleeful et laisse moi être'."

Pacifica blushed slightly. She remembered exactly what she said to him, and she had to admit she wished she never said it. "Gleeful, you're soaking wet." She commented, trying to hand him the umbrella.

He pushed it away from himself. "I'll be fine."

"But you'll catch a cold." She protested.

"Ah, so you do care for me." He nodded along, smiling ever so slightly.

"N-no! Why would you say that?" She asked, blushing intensely.

He shrugged. "I dunno, just had a thought." He stood up and pulled a piece of paper out of his back pocket, and handed it to her, then he turned on his heel and walked down the steps of the school where the limo pulled up to pick him and his sister up. He looked back at her, before getting into the car, and waved slightly. She waved back at him, realizing that he made her learn to like him. He isn't so bad after all, she thought. She unfolded the piece of paper, trying not to get it wet, and read it.

Look, I know you just broke up with your boyfriend because of my sister and I know I'm not your type, but if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I'll be right here for you~


Cute, right? Whelp, if anyone's still up and reading this, any requests?

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