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Requested by Pacifica_Southeast hope you all enjoy!

"We should read our fortunes!" Gideon exclaimed suddenly, looking between Mabel, Pacifica, and Dipper.

Mabel smiled at Gideon and nodded, while Dipper and Pacifica shook their heads saying no. "Oh come on you guys, they only this festival once a year! Make it special!"

Gideon smiled and nodded while Dipper just looked bored. "Come on Paz!" Gideon said. "Please?"

"Dipper, I'll make you and tell everyone your secret-"

"Okay, Mabel!" Dipper said, overlapping what his sister was about to say. "Alright, fine let's go." The three thirteen year olds-plus a twelve year old Gideon-walked into the gypsy's tent and looked around. There was a lot of fake items and attractions here that Pacifica was surprised Bud wasn't here making deals. "Hello?" Gideon asked, looking around.

"Welcome, children." The gypsy appeared in behind them. "I am Florica. Now, what can I help you with?"

"We want you to read our futures." Mabel stated. "We're on a tight schedule so please hurry up."

Florica frowned and shook her head. "Well just by reading the aura around you four, I can see that you two," she pointed to Pacifica and Dipper and smiled, "will have an affectionate future together."

Dipper and Pacifica glanced between each other, neither of them believed that they would ever have a future together. They both hated each other. As if Florica could read their minds, she smiled like a Cheshire cat. "Oh believe me, I never would of thought you two would ever be compatible together but I see into the future, and well, you two have a very interesting one."

"Please, tell us." Dipper and Pacifica said in sync, then they looked at each other in disgust.

"Well, your future starts in a couple years....."

*flash to le future....*

Pacifica quickly walked from the Mystery Shack to the Gleeful Manor, with a bag full of clothes. Mabel had invited her over to have a girl night and Pacifica was somewhat excited. Especially after what Mabel had told Pacifica. That Dipper liked her, as in, like-liked her. She smiled at the thought, and continued walking.

"Hey, Paz!" Mabel said, opening the door for her friend. "You excited?"

Pacifica nodded, and looked past Mabel to find Dipper. Unfortunately, he wasn't around and Mabel read Pacifica's mind and smirked. "If you're looking for Dipshit, he isn't around. He went out." Mabel faked an innocent smile and Pacifica rolled her eyes. "I swear, you two will get together."

"We will not!" Pacifica yelled, silently cursing herself for liking someone like him.

Few hours passed and Pacifica noticed that Dipper was finally home and she rolled her eyes. She was trying to find Mabel, when she accidentally stumbled and fell, but a certain someone, caught her. She stared up at him and saw him roll his eyes. "You can stop falling for me, sweetheart." He said using his typical nickname for her. She blushed furiously and he noticed it right away. "You're blushing." He pointed out.

"So?! Stop being an annoying idiot, Gleeful." She frowned.

"Aw but why would I be with you?" He asked, to no one in particular. "You're just a stubborn, annoying, obnoxious know-it-all."

"And you're a pretentious creep!" She fired back.

"I've been called worse, dearie." He replied, with a smirk.

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