An Empty Room

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Sometimes I dunno where I get my ideas but I hope y'all enjoy! I went with a more royal family in the early 19th century. It turned out way better than I hoped!

A/N 1: oh my goodness, this was way longer than I expected 😂😂

Of all the things that had to happen to me today this has got to be the most awful! Pacifica groaned inaudibly.

She sat on the tiled floor with her head laid on her arms, so it was covering her face.

"Miss Southeast, are you feeling alright?" A voice of uncertainty swept into the room.

Pacifica didn't dare look up. She knew exactly who the voice belonged to.

She and Dipper Gleeful had been locked in a room at Gleeful Manor while a ghost wrecked havoc. Not one of their best exorcisms.

Pacifica was trying to keep calm, but her breathing was rigid and uneven. Why me?

Many minutes had passed since they were locked in the room and many more since she had spoken. It doesn't help that he's in the room with me. She thought bitterly.

Only several moments later Dipper had joined her in the sitting position on the tiled floor. He was almost exactly mirroring her position, all except the head in hands.

Instead, his gaze was focused on the wall across from them. His family portrait was hung on the wall. Back from when the Gleeful family was actually happy.

Dipper heaved a sigh, clearly realizing that he wasn't going to get any reply from the blonde girl sitting near him. "I'm only asking because of what you were put through tonight. . .by me."

Pacifica still didn't respond to him.

"That roller coaster of emotions my family, myself included, was only a glimpse of hell." Dipper continued. "But, I had been meaning to talk to you for awhile."

Pacifica froze up. He wanted to talk to her? What more could he have to say? Everything he said in front of his parents seemed like enough!

"About what?" She asked, slowly raising her head.

Dipper eyed her, his own eyes filled with completely sincere intentions. "About, well, us. Are we. . .are we still together?"

Pacifica snorted. "Well, clearly your parents don't approve and you yourself had said that we were not so at this point I have no idea."

A light laugh erupted from Dipper's lips. "Really? Well, seeing as you have no idea, I'm at a loss as well."

Pacifica winced, and kept her voice barely above as whisper when she said, "I didn't necessarily. . .mind it."

Dipper gave her a look. Not frowning upon her, neither scorn-filled. Just. . .curious. "I beg your pardon? Say it again, clearer too."

Pacifica groaned. "I. Didn't. Mind. It." She spoke articulating her words.

"That's what I thought you said." Dipper nodded slowly. "But, what is 'it' exactly?"

"You know perfectly well what I mean, Mr. Gleeful." Pacifica shook her head.

"I have my suspicions." Dipper mused, "but I'd prefer if you'd confirm them."

Pacifica was know completely aware of the position they were in. Both sitting, backs pressed against the wall, shoulders touching. She could feel his hot breath tickling her ear.

His whispers sent shivers up and down her spine and she could only imagine why.

Heaving a sigh, she decided to give in. "I didn't mind you trying to make me your lover by kissing me."

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