Quite Unstable

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Lots of you wanted more possessive Dipper, so here we go!

Pacifica ducked behind a bush and tried her best to catch her breath. They had been at this for hours, but for once, he wasn't giving up. Pacifica wished she was back in the Mystery Shack safe and sound, but she was stuck out in the woods with a psychotic, unstable Gleeful twin chasing her down.

"I can hear you, Pacifica." A chilling voice entered Pacifica's ears and she tried her best not to scream. "Running away from me is pointless. I'll always be able to find you."

Pacifica knew that she had to keep moving, otherwise he'd find her there for sure. She kept on her toes and made a break for it, hoping she could get to the Mystery Shack before he caught up to her. Just a little. . .farther! She thought as she raced toward the correct direction.

Right as she thought she was safe from him, a blue aura surrounded her body and her muscles couldn't move. No! She tried her best to thrash from his grip but it proved fruitless.

"Bravo, Pacifica," a slow clapping sound sounded next to her and she whipped her head toward the noise. There he stood in all of his glory. A sadistic look in his eyes, a smirk that she never trusted, and him. "I honestly thought you would have gotten away, then what would I have done without you?"

"Let me go, Dipper!" Pacifica exclaimed. "I don't love you!"

He didn't seem fazed by her comments. He chuckled and shook his head, "I know you don't love me, now." The sadistic look in his eyes gleamed and Pacifica shivered. "But as long as I keep you around me, you'll fall in love with me."

"That's not how love works, idiot!" Pacifica spat. "Now let me go!"

Dipper sighed, "Pacifica you're missing the point of this." He wasn't tired of chasing her, he just knew that if he never caught her for good, this would have kept going on forever and ever as long as they both lived. He definitely did not need her finding a boyfriend in the time that he was trying to make her his. It just wouldn't do.

Pacifica was brought down slightly so she was face to face with Dipper Gleeful. She still couldn't move no matter how hard she tried.

Dipper caressed her cheek lightly, making Pacifica shiver. "Oh my dearest Pacifica, when will you ever understand that I am all that you need?" He asked, not really expecting an answer from the girl.

"Let me go, Dipper!" She was close to crying now.

"Unfortunately, that would be going against my entire plan that I spent the summer perfecting." He shook his head. "I think it's time you close your eyes,"

Pacifica felt her eyelids get heavy. No no no! Don't fall asleep! Don't fall asleep! Don't fall as-

Dipper grinned at his work and he carefully picked up his sleeping Pacifica. "It's alright my love," he kissed her forehead. "You'll be safe. . .with me."

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