Trigger Word

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Part two to It's Been Too Long. Hope y'all enjoy!

Pacifica sat Dipper down at a local coffee shop and sat across from him. He sat incredibly still, like he was waiting for orders to move or. . or even relax. "Dipper," she said slowly. "What happened after I left?"

". . . . .I-I."

"Dipper," Pacifica repeated. "Do you know who you are?"

". . . . ."

"Did this all happen because of your amulet?" She hesitated to ask, but as soon as she did, his stone cold features hardened.

"Of course not," he spat. "Although, I'm understand that you know nothing about magic, Southeast."

Pacifica froze. "D-Dipper, you haven't called me that since middle school, when I first met you."

"Only you would be horrendously mistaken," Dipper scoffed. "I'm confused on how you got me to follow you to a coffee shop, did you. . .drug me?" His face held one of disgust. "You really are a sick person."

Pacifica's hand trembled around her cup, "D-Dipper, this isn't funny." She stammered.

"What's funny about abduction?" He hissed. "If my great uncles were here--"

"Dipper!" Pacifica exclaimed. "Calm down."

"I'm getting the hell out of here." Dipper got up extraordinarily fast and walked from the shop, leaving Pacifica there alone, hands trembling.

"What. . .what happened?"

* * *

As Pacifica made her way to Gleeful Manor she kept thinking about Dipper and how she could fix the problem. It was going to be difficult, considering Dipper wanted nothing to do with her, so she'd have to find out the hard way.

And the hard way was asking Mabel, his sister. Pacifica knocked on the door, hesitating, waiting for either one of them to come to the door and demand why she was there.

Just her luck, Mabel had come to the door. "Pacifica? Long time no see," she grinned. "what are you doing here?"

Pacifica gulped. "I nee do know about what happened to Dipper."

Mabel stiffened, "what do you mean?"

"He's acting like we were never together." Pacifica explained. "Do you know what happened when I left?"

Mabel scoffed. "Of course I do."

"You do?" Pacifica perked up, "do you know how to fix that?"

"I'm not fixing it." Mabel frowned.

This made Pacifica pause. "W-what?"

"Because he was in complete misery when you left!" Mabel shouted. "He wouldn't eat, couldn't sleep," her eyes eyed the floor. "There was nothing in the Journal about how to fix a broken heart, but there was one about how to forget and I--"

"And you figured that was for the best?" She interrupted. "I told him that I would come back!"

"But you were gone for five years!" Mabel exclaimed. "I don't want him to be hurt again when you leave!"

"Mabel? Why are you shouting--oh, it's you." Dipper sneered.

"Dipper, just here me out." Pacifica stood in front of him, "Mabel placed a spell upon you so you wouldn't remember me. So you wouldn't be. . . .wouldn't be heartbroken over me." She whispered. "You have to remember me,"

"I know who you are, Southeast," Dipper scowled.

"But don't you remember what happened?" Pacifica was close to tears. "I love you!"

Dipper froze and he suddenly had a little more color to his face and his eyes. "P-Pazzie?" He whimpered.

"Yes!" Pacifica exclaimed, cupping Dipper's face in her hands, "y-yes it's me."

"I-I thought you left me." He had tears collecting in his icy blue eyes.

"But I promised you that I was coming back." She reminded him. "I love you too much to leave you."

Dipper wrapped his arms around her petite body and squeezed her tight. "Never leave me again."

"I won't." Pacifica promised.

"That means you have to stay at Gleeful Manor with me." He looked her in the eye. "is that perfectly okay with you?"

"I wouldn't be happier." Pacifica smiled and kissed his cheek, "I love you, Dipper."

"And I love you, Pazzie."

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