Ball Aftermath

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Y'all wanted a part two to my Masquerade oneshot so here it is!

Pacifica frowned upon the piece of hair that wouldn't go into her ponytail. Or stay for that matter. She tried to blow it out of her face in hot angry breaths, and she tried redoing her ponytail. None of those options worked out for the blonde. It was hot for a July day, especially in Oregon, and Pacifica sat on the front porch, because she knew that her uncle, Bud Pines, wouldn't pay for air conditioning. She closed her eyes against the sun and relaxed for a moment. But a dark figure blocked her view from the sun. Pacifica opened her eyes slowly and came face to face, with Dipper Gleeful. The masked man she kissed last night. "Gleeful." She almost growled.

"Girl-Who-Kissed-Me." Dipper smirked.

"What do you want?" Pacifica frowned. "I suppose you are finally not coming here to bother me about the Journal?"

"You are correct," Dipper chuckled, "I need to talk to you, sweetheart."

"Is this about last night?" Pacifica whispered. "I told you, I wouldn't have kissed you if I knew."

"But surely you must have felt something for the man behind the mask?" Dipper raised an eyebrow.

"I did until I knew it was you." Pacifica frowned. That statement wasn't exactly true, Pacifica still felt a little something for the arrogant Gleeful twin. "I don't feel anything now."

Dipper sat down beside her, "I know you're lying. And I don't need to be a psychic to know that."

Pacifica felt a tiny smile crawl onto her lips, "alright. What do you want?"

"One date." Dipper said, taking Pacifica's hand in his. "And if you don't like me at all, I'll never see you again. Got it?"

Pacifica debated it in her mind and saw that only pros were coming into her thoughts. "Fine, one date."

"Wonderful," he got up and kissed her quickly, "I'll see you at seven." He snapped his fingers and disappeared.

Pacifica put a hand to her cheek, where Dipper had kissed, and just held it there for a minute. She wondered if Dipper actually did feel something for her. If he did, she had yet to find out.


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