What I Had

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Read with tissues if you're an extreme Fangirl or Fanboy

"I can't."

Gideon groaned. "Paz, you're gonna have to face him sooner or later, so this would be like the perfect time to go."

Pacifica shook her head. "I don't think I can do this."

"Scaredy cat." Gideon mumbled. "He's gonna be mad if you don't explain why."

".......but Gideon-!"

"No 'buts' except yours out the damn door now woman up, and go to him!" Gideon exclaimed, making jump a little as his voice reached the level of shouting.

"........but I-" Pacifica started to whisper but her voice shook giving way to her fear for him. "Gideon you know what he's like...."

"He's deranged, yeah I know." Gideon shook his head and stood by his cousin. "But I've never seen him look at anyone like the way he looked at you." Gideon forced himself to smile. He never liked the idea of Pacifica dating Dipper, but he knew it made both of them happy, and he also started to ship them.

"Never?" Pacifica asked, feeling something wet stain her face. Tears, she thought.

"Never ever, because he never felt anything for anyone! He didn't even feel pity for his sister when I broke up with her." Gideon explained. "The point being, go to him!"

"O-okay!" Pacifica said, her newfound confidence getting the best of her. "I'll go!" She shouted as she bolted for the door, hoping what Gideon said was true.

"Paz!" Gideon shouted from the doorway as she ran. "You damn idiot! Take the car!" He tossed her the keys and she gratefully caught them and sprinted to the car.


Here goes nothing, Pacifica heaved a sigh and rang the bell for Gleeful Manor. Fingers crossed behind her back, the door opened to reveal a very perturbed looking Mabel Gleeful. "What do you want, Southeast?" She asked, her hands on her hips. "Just because my brother likes you doesn't mean I have to-oh wait," she paused and put a cruel smirk on her face, "you broke his heart, how could he love you?"

"Mabel, I know you hate me, but I honestly can take your crap any other day but now really isn't the time." Pacifica stared into Mabel's electric blue eyes. "I need to speak to Dipper."

"Hmm," Mabel tapped her chin with her finger to indicate that she was really thinking over this decision. "No."

"No?" Pacifica echoed in confusion.

"No. N. O, spells no." Mabel explained. "I would hope that you understand what no means."

"I do." Pacifica replied through gritted teeth. "Now why won't you let me speak with him?"

"Hmm, let me think,"she started, "you accused him of hurting Gideon when all he was really doing, was beating him up because he broke up with me."

Huh.......well then. "But nonetheless, he still hurt my cousin."

"On my orders." Mabel explained.

"So that automatically makes it not his fault?" Pacifica asked, curiosity building.

"Of course not." Mabel shook her brunette head. "Now give Southeast." She slammed the door in Pacifica's face and Pacifica heard the door lock.

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