Such A Lightweight

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Pacifica was surprised that she was having fun at the party. Usually high school parties weren't her thing, but she was enjoying her time.

That was until Gideon ditched her to hang out with somebody else.

She sat down on one of the couches at the house and looked down at her phone. It was way past midnight and she was starting to think she should go home.

She grabbed her keys from her pocket and began walking to the door. Once outside, she noticed a figure slumped over on the chair on the deck.

It was too cold for anyone to be out, so she was slightly concerned. "Excuse me?" She walked closer to the figure and let out a small gasp.

Notorious heartbreaker, Dipper Gleeful, was slumped over on a plastic chair outside someone's house.

"Dipper?" Pacifica leaned down to look at his face.

The only response she got was a light murmur and a slight flutter of his eyelids.

"Jesus," she pushed his hair out of his eyes. "You're not looking so good."

". . .mm." Dipper murmured, his eyes finally opening. Pacifica couldn't tell if he was looking at her or through her.

"Do you need a ride home?"

". . .no." He whispered. "I'm, I'm the designated drinker."

"Driver, Dipper." Pacifica pointed out. "Driver."

He didn't reply.

"Okay," Pacifica grabbed his hand. "I'll take you home. When you feel better you can come back and retrieve your car."

Dipper didn't retaliate. He got off the chair and followed Pacifica to her car. Once inside, he slumped back into the seat.

Pacifica sighed and slid into the driver's seat. She pulled her phone out and placed it on the dashboard. "What's your address again?"

"It's a huuuge mansion on a hiiiiiiill." Dipper laughed aloud. "Don't need address."

Pacifica groaned. "Just be quiet, Dipper."

He looked over at her, "y'know, you're looking pretty good tonight."

"You're drunk, Dipper." Pacifica kept her eyes on the road and continued to drive.

"Nooooo," he shook his head. "Not drunk. Totally one hundred percent, spantabulously sober."

"Spantabulously?" She echoed, glancing over at him. "What's that?"

"Oh you know." He shrugged. "Fabulous and. . .spantastic."

Pacifica laughed. "What the hell is spantastic?"

Dipper leaned his head back against the headrest. "Pazzzzzzzzzzzieeeee!"

"What?" She looked over at him.

"I need to lay down, like now." He whined. "Where's the house?"

"We just passed the Mystery Shack." Pacifica informed him.

"No fo back." Dipper muttered.

She was going to question why he said 'fo', but asking to go to the Mystery Shack was much stranger. "Why?"

"It's closer! And I need to lay down!" He exclaimed. "Please, Pazzie? Please?"

"Fine fine fine." Pacifica pulled into the driveway and shut off the car. "No funny business. You're going to sleep."

They entered the Shack with many struggles. Dipper fell into the door and cursed in pain in some foreign language Pacifica didn't understand.

The two of them made their way into the living room. Dipper leaned helplessly against Pacifica's shoulder as they walked over to the couch.

"Wait," Pacifica halted in her steps. "if my parents come downstairs and see you, they'll freak the hell out."

Dipper gave no response.

"Do you think you can make it up the stairs?" Pacifica whispered.

Dipper looked at her, his eyes wide and doe-like. At this moment in time, Pacifica could see some innocence in his blue eyes.

"I'll take it that you can't." She murmured.

"No," he looked around the room. "I can. . I can make it."

Pacifica heaved a heavy sigh before helping the intoxicated Gleeful twin up from where he laid on the couch. He grunted in surprise, mainly because he hadn't realized how strong Pacifica actually was.

"C'mon, Dipper." She said as she pretty much dragged him up the stairs.

Once the two were in Pacifica's bedroom, Dipper said, "wooooooooow."

She immediately bristled. "What?" She demanded in a hushed tone to make sure her parents didn't come near her room.

"Nathing," He rolled his eyes. "I jus expected your room to be a bit different, ya know?" He looked over at her, a grin on his face.

"How different?" Pacifica asked as she laid him down on her bed.

"I dunno." he attempted a shrug. "I think I'm sleepy, Pazzie."

"Go to sleep." She groaned and leaned against her bedroom wall.

"where you sleep?" He asked, light concern in his sluggish sounding voice.

Pacifica actually laughed aloud. "Damn, Gleeful. If I'd known how much kinder you are when you're drunk, I would've been slipping you drinks since I first met you."

"Mm." He shook his head, "not drunk."

"Dipper," Pacifica walked up to him and leaned closer to his face. "You certainly are drunk."

"No," he lightly protested. "Had one drink. . .saw someone put somethin' in this girl's drink. so I took it instead."

"What?" Pacifica asked, confused. "What do you mean?"

He didn't answer, because he was fast asleep.

The next morning, Pacifica woke up in a comfy bed. She sat up and saw a passed out Dipper Gleeful lying as far away from her as he could without falling off the edge of her bed.

"Now I have to take care of you, don't I?" She sighed. And from the corner of her eye, she could've sworn she saw Dipper smirk.

I know I've been MIA from Wattpad for awhile. Writer's block sucks. I've started a bunch of oneshots and the next chapter of Always and a few of my other books, but I just couldn't get the ideas to come out! Thanks for your patience, also, this book is almost at 100K reads. To think I've been writing in here for about three years. Snazzy.

-Kaori Miyazono <3

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