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Requested by flamerose_1889 hope y'all enjoy!

"Okay everything has to go perfect." Pacifica murmured. She had been planning this Christmas dinner with Dipper for at least a month (literally my family) and she crossed her fingers, hoping everything would go well. "Now Dipper will be here soon, and then this'll be the best Christmas ever!" She clasped her hands together in delight. "I just hope he comes soon." She gazed out the window, as if, if she stared long enough, he'd show up.

But Dipper would not be showing up, just yet. Or even at all. Because he had a special surprise for Pacifica, outside and she had no clue what he had planned. "Okay," he murmured, "box, ring, perfect scenery, dramatic effect, very practical, nice suit, what else do I need?" He asked himself that repeatedly, because he thought it would spark his memory of what he had forgotten.

Pacifica glanced at the clock. He was late, and Pacifica knew that Dipper was always on time for everything. "He's not coming, Paz." Mabel said, from the kitchen, where she was drinking some whine she swore she wouldn't drink. "Believe it or not, my brother is never late."

"He's still coming," Pacifica said, glancing at Mabel, "he's just a little bit late, maybe missed his taxi or had to help someone out-"

"Okay, let me stop you right there," Mabel held up a hand to silence the clueless blonde, "my brother would rather walk than take a taxi, he's a germaphob. And Dipper, helping someone? Honestly Pacifica, he would never do that either."

Pacifica clenched a fist. "I dunno, Mabel, maybe you don't know your brother as well as you thought you did."

"Ha! Listen, girlie, I know my brother like the back of my hand. He ain't ever late." Mabel warned.

"........You think he would forget?" Pacifica's lip quivered, as she spoke, making Mabel smirk.

"Of course he would, he's forgetful." Mabel nodded.

"He's going to come." Pacifica said, to no one in particular. "He will "

Dipper stood in the park where he had first met Pacifica and wondered when he should lead her over here to give her, her surprise. He checked his watch and saw that he should've been with Pacifica right now, but he knew that his surprise would mean the world to her. He took his phone out of his pocket, and quickly texted Pacifica.

"Hey I got a message from your brother." Pacifica showed Mabel the number making the devilish brunette smirk. "What?"

"He ain't coming, I told ya," Mabel took another sip of her red whine, making her look dangerous. "Look at the text," she pointed a black manicured nail at the phone before taking another sip of whine.

"I'll read it out loud, 'hey Paz, I can't.....make it," Pacifica blinked away a few rebellious tears and texted him back.

Pazzie: where r u?

Sexy Magician: the park

This confused Pacifica, why would he tell her where he was? Oh Dipper you make this way more difficult than it has to be! She flared, grabbed her jacket, and stomped out the door.

Pacifica stuffed her hands in her pockets as she meandered over to the park where Dipper was supposedly at. She picked out his silhouette right away and stormed over to him. "Dipper! Why the hell are you out here?! You're supposed to be having dinner with me and your sister and you're out here and!-what are you doing?" She paused her rant and stared as Dipper got down on one knee.

"Pacifica Elise Southeast, will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?" He asked, his ice eyes glowing with happiness and hope-that Pacifica thought she would never ever see-as he opened the tiny black box revealing a diamond ring.

She wiped away some tears after realizing she let them slip down her face and nodded, not being able to say anything words. "Yes!" She finally exclaimed as she hugged Dipper tightly, making it hard for the brunette male to breath. "I love you, Dipper."

"And I love you, Pazzie." He kissed her cheek and put the ring on her finger.

"But next time, don't tell me you're coming to this dinner when you're not!"

Boom! Another one done! I hope you enjoyed this one because I liked writing this one! Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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