The Shapeshifter

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"That's the real Dipper!" Gideon exclaimed, as Pacifica looked between his cousin and her enemy.

"Listen to him, Pacifica!" Dipper spat, "I'm not the shapeshifter."

Pacifica wanted to trust her cousin, she really really did. But she knew better than to trust Dipper Gleeful. She swung the ax over her head and made direct impact with the creature's stomach.

Dipper gasped and looked down at where the weapon made its mark. He looked back up to Pacifica and gave her a sad look. He toppled to the ground and coughed violently.

Pacifica's eyes widened when she realized the truth. "No no no," she whispered, dropping the ax and ran towards Dipper at once. "I didn't think you were the real one!" She cried.

Dipper's eyes were closed and Pacifica knew that she had lost him. . .She lost him for good. "Dipper! No! Stay with me. . .I never got the chance to tell you that," she heaved a sigh, "that I'm like, in love with you, Dipper!" She cried, holding onto his body.

Gideon looked away and his eyes widened, probably wider than his cousin's. He couldn't believe it, they had defeated the shapeshifter. But now things were definitely going to be way more awkward for their little group.

A few feet away from the sobbing blonde stood the real Dipper Gleeful. He could only be silent as he watched her, a shocked expression on his face. He never knew that the girl had actually fallen for him, and at first it was just a game to him. But now here they both were, on the same page. Just barely understanding each other and their feelings.

Gideon knew that this couldn't continue, he definitely didn't want his cousin to be embarrassed, but he also really wanted them to get together. He cleared his throat, making Pacifica look up, irritated. "What, Gideon?! Can't you see that I'm-" she cut herself off when she saw him.

Dipper still couldn't utter a single word. That was also new for him.

Mabel walked up beside her twin and yawned. "Geez, what happened here?" She eyed the shapeshifter's corpse. "Whoa, Dipper you killed your alter personality!" She gave him a respecting nod. "Color me impressed. Now guys, let's get out of here."

Gideon skipped over to Mabel and whispered something in her ear. Mabel immediately smiled and high fived the white haired kid.

Dipper didn't know what else to do besides walk out of the bunker with his sister. He left the room, feeling a feeling that he didn't recognize.

Pacifica felt extremely embarrassed. . .but she knew that he had to find out eventually. And she also knew that the next couple of days were going to be awkward.

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