act iv- part i (4.0/5)

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Yes, I know it's been a little over four months since I last updated this oneshot series. But I wrote out most of this part and didn't really like it. Had to take a mental health break and celebrate the holidays as well as my birthday so I put this on the back burner and updated a few different oneshots that I already had drafted for awhile. But we're back!

Another warning because I will be writing out detailed descriptions of not so great things, like murder and blood and gore and stuff. It may not be as bad as I'm making it sound, but I still would like to give a warning!

Also, this one was really long, and I honestly contemplated splitting it in two, which I eventually did. They both will be posted around the same time, but I will put a reminder at the end of this chapter to take a break from reading and return so afterward. You need rest, my lovelies <3



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Pacifica stared at Scarlett, wide-eyed. It couldn't be true. If Scarlett had gone to the cathedral, wouldn't she have seen me? Then why hadn't she said anything?

"Did you?" Robbie asked.

"Of course I didn't." Scarlett rolled her eyes. "It's Dipper trying to deter us from persecuting him."

"Oh-ho," Masked Dipper laughed, "but why would I want to do that? I don't want to die either."

There were too many variables. Pacifica grit her teeth. She had to figure out the timeline of events before she told the truth.

"He is the only person who knows what truly happened there." Robbie admitted, "we need to believe that his words hold some truth." Robbie glanced toward Pacifica. "Paz, I know you two typically ran the trials, you know how he speaks, so," he sucked in a breath, "do you think he is telling the truth?"

Pacifica didn't want to answer. Because two thoughts bounced around her head. The first being that Scarlett did go to the cathedral last night and played a role in how things turned out. The second being that Dipper was just spouting anything to protect her. Why would he do that?

"Do you?" Will glanced toward Masked Dipper. "He hasn't shown to be that trustworthy."

"No, that's wrong!" Pacifica exclaimed, "he was going to take down the mastermind. He was going to take the appropriate action."

"So he said." Scarlett muttered, "did you expect any of us to actually believe that?"

"Who cares if you trust me or not." Masked Dipper scoffed, "what matters is where the evidence leads." He looked to Pacifica, "you already know the answer, don't you?"

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