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Kinda part two to another oneshot. Hope y'all enjoy!

Pacifica walked to her locker at the beginning of school. She'd been in her senior year for two weeks already, and was already to leave.

Over the summer, she was in a torrid love affair with infamous and dangerous Dipper Gleeful, all the while dating safe Cody because her parents hated the Gleefuls.

Sure, she liked Cody, but he was like a brother or the boy next door in a romance movie. But she loved Dipper.

Everything about Dipper made her feel fireworks in her body. The first time they held hands was like a small spark, the first time they kissed was like fireworks. And the first time they got intimate over the summer, was like an explosion.

Being with Dipper was the only exciting thing her life. Not only was she sneaking around to be with him, which included pretending to be dumb to have him 'tutor' her (which mainly ended in intense make-out sessions between the library shelves) and sneaking out her window every night to be with him.

She could never be intimate with Cody. It was just too weird.

When she opened her locker that day, a note tumbled onto the floor in front of her. Figuring it was a secret message from Dipper (he couldn't text her often because her parents searched her phone almost everyday so he sent her notes which she kept in a secret box under her floorboards), she plucked it off the ground with a smile.

However when she opened it and read it, she knew it wasn't from Dipper.

Pacifica's heart pounded wildly in her chest

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Pacifica's heart pounded wildly in her chest. No way this was real. It couldn't be. She and Dipper were always careful whenever they were with each other.

Who knew? She needed to tell Dipper!

And she was going to, until she flipped over the note and found another alarming message.

Pacifica felt tears forming in her eyes

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Pacifica felt tears forming in her eyes. She never intended for anything to go this far! She'd wanted to break up with Cody before she dated Dipper, but she knew her parents wouldn't like it.

Slamming her locker shut and shoving the note into the pocket of her coat, she ran out of the building and back to her house.

Luckily for her, her parents had already left for work and she was alone. She needed to think everything through.

If she didn't agree to the demands of the mysterious note sender, she would be exposed. She had to do it.

Pacifica had no choice.

Quickly, she dialed Dipper's number and it only took him a few seconds before he answered.

"Hey, where are you?" He asked. "Why'd you call me?"

Pacifica felt her throat close up. But she had to get the words out. "Hey, could you meet me at the park? The one near my house? I need to talk to you."

Dipper, without hesitation, answered, "of course! I'll be there in five minutes, are you okay?"

Pacifica forced herself to sound normal. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just meet me there, okay?"

Dipper agreed and told her that he loved her before he hung up.

Pacifica felt tears falling onto her cheek as she forced herself to walk to the park.

When she got there, Dipper hadn't arrived yet, so it gave her a few minutes to figure out what she was going to say. She was never good at saying what she meant, it's why she never really stood up to her parents about her life being hers.

But Dipper arrived shortly. "Hey," he grinned and walked over to her. "Why'd you want to meet here?"

Pacifica gulped and turned to face her lover. "Dipper, I—"

"Hey, what's wrong? Your eyes are all red." He looked closer at her. "What's going on?"

"Dipper, I'm breaking up with you." She finally forced out the six words she would have never dreamed to say.

Dipper froze up immediately. "W-what, why, Paz?"

"Because this isn't working." She bit her tongue afterwords, hating every second of the agony she was going through.

"That's not true." Dipper shook his head, "why are you doing this?"

"Because it really isn't working!" She exclaimed, lying all the way.

"Is that really it?" He questioned, his blue eyes boring into her calm green ones.

"No, there's something else." She admitted. "About why I'm breaking up with you."

"Why are you?"

"I don't love you." She stated, her own heart breaking at the words.

Dipper's calm facade broke. "Y-you, you don't mean it."

"I do mean it." She forced out. "I never loved you."

Dipper ran a hand through his hair, already getting wet because of the rain. "Liar." He murmured, eyes sad. "You did love me."

"No, Dipper." She shook her head. "I didn't."

"Please tell me that isn't true!" He exclaimed, "tell me that there's something more to this story! Tell me it doesn't end here!"

Pacifica felt her lip quiver, "I'm sorry, goodbye!" She ran past him, tears finally springing free as she ran. How could it end this way?

Dipper stood in the rain for several minutes after Pacifica left. He couldn't believe it. She truly never loved him.

He let his own tears fall as the rain poured, anguish consuming him.

And in the distance, someone was standing under a black umbrella. She was grinning at the scene before her.

So the blonde-haired girl had actually listened to her demands? "Who would've guessed." She murmured to herself.

There was one thing that Pacifica Southeast had yet to learn about Reverse Falls.

In Reverse Falls, Candy Chiu always got what she wanted. Even at the expense of others.

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