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Another RevDipcifica Vampire oneshot. Requested by Ambernot I hope y'all enjoy~

"What is she doing here?" Pacifica strained to hear the voice. It sounded familiar and she had heard it before.

"Because, I changed her." Another voice said in a lower tone.

"You did not!" The female voice gasped. "Her parents are going to find us, and kill us because of your stupid mistake!"

"But Mabel," the male voice said, "she's the Amour de ma vie."

"I don't care," the girl, Mabel, who Pacifica had met before, huffed. "She's prettier than me. Let's kill her."

"Mabel!" The male scolded. "If you do that I'll have to kill you."

"Ha! You wouldn't!"

"Watch me." He sounded terrifying when he threatened his sister and he knew it.

Pacifica's eyelids felt like cement as she tried to open them. She blinked a couple times to focus on where she was. "Brother dear, she's awake." Mabel smiled creepily.

Pacifica saw Dipper's face appear above her's. "Hey." He gave her a flirtatious smile. "You're awake."

"Yeah," she sat up and looked around. "Where am I?"

"Welcome to Gleeful Manor, Un pathétique." Mabel scoffed. "Try not to ruin anything that my family and I have tried to keep."

"Why am I here?" Pacifica asked.

"You don't remember?" Mabel asked.

"No," she shook her head. "Did something happen? Where are my parents?"

"We sent them away." Dipper explained. "They would've hated you."

"Why?" Pacifica asked. She couldn't remember anything except almost killing Dipper.

"You're a Vampire now, sweetheart." Dipper smirked devilishly at the young blonde.

Her eyes widened and she looked at him. "No! I can't be."

"Pacifica, darling," Dipper sat down next to her, "you chose this. You wanted to be with me."

It all suddenly came back to Pacifica. Denying her parents wishes, choosing Dipper, him drinking her blood. "How is this going to work?" She asked.

"You stay here with me, forever." Dipper whispered to her. "And our bond is complete."

"Because you drank my blood?" She asked.

"Mhm, that's correct." Dipper nodded. "Now you're mine and no one else can take you from me."

To Pacifica, Dipper sounded possessive. But she knew it was because she was the love of his life. "Huh. . . .Will I ever see my parents again?"

"Not likely." Dipper shook his head. "They wouldn't want to see you."

"What about my cousin?" She asked. "He'd understand!"

"I don't think that's a good idea." He mused.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Just, trust me. Alright?"

"Okay. . . ." She said. "I trust you, Dipper."

"That's my girl." He smiled at her and kissed her cheek. She usually shivered at his touch but now it was different. "Now, since you'll be staying here you will have your own room," he paused, "for now."

Pacifica blushed realising what he meant. "Okay, so where shall I stay?"

"The room across from mine." He said, without hesitation.

"Of course. I should've known." Pacifica laughed a little. "Can you show me where?"

He nodded. "Of course," he stood up and helped her up, leading her to the winding staircase that would've looked creepy to everyone else, but Pacifica was already used to all things creepy. He lead her upstairs and to her room, and Pacifica noticed a lot of paintings, of sunsets and sunrises. They were nice enough and she was surprised that they were in this dark Manor. He stopped outside a room and opened the door for Pacifica. "This is where you'll be staying,"

Pacifica looked inside and smiled. There was a queen size bed up against the wall and a balcony. It was perfect. Before she walked in, Dipper quickly grabbed her wrist, turned her around and crashed his lips onto Pacifica's, sending a shiver down her spine. He broke the kiss and smiled slightly at her. "I love you, sweetheart." He kissed her forehead quickly and then walked away, leaving her to smile to herself.


Hope you enjoyed it! The election is still going on and I'm still soooooooooo nervous!!!

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