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Dipper sat on the hill and waited for Pacifica. She seemed mad at him yesterday and he wanted to know why. So that's why he told her to meet him here. He wanted to know if she really was mad at him. And he hoped that she wasn't.

F l a s h b a c k

He saw her hanging out by the front of the Mystery Shack and proceeded to walk towards her. But as he got closer, she took a quick look at him and walked inside without a word. He felt uneasy with it and figured that she was mad at him. And that he did something.

E n d O f F l a s h b a c k

He just hoped that she would meet him, and that she got his text. When he noticed her heading towards him, he started to feel a little bit nervous. He didn't exactly know what to say, but he had a pretty good idea of it. She sat down next to him and sighed. "What did you want to talk about Dip?" She asked, with a little frown on her face.

"I feel like you were mad at me yesterday, and I don't know why." He admitted. She looked away from him, but she still had a frown on her face. He sighed and pulled out of piece of paper from his pocket. "So, I made a list of everything I did." He explained.

She looked a little confused so he decided to explain a little more. "And I'm gonna try to not do any of them again." She smiled when he said that and kissed his cheek.

His cheeks went a deep shade of red as she did that and he dropped the note out of shock. Pacifica just smiled at him.


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I did it!!! Yayz!!!! Well what did you guys think? Sorry if it was short, my excuse is, the little comic thing was short to! Stay tuned for more! Love ya guys!

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