Talk About Personalities

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"Finally, we get some time alone." Dipper sat next to Pacifica on the couch. "I thought Mabel would never leave."

Pacifica whacked him, "hey, she's your sister."

"That's what makes her annoying." He replied, grinning. "But honestly," he paused to yawn. "I should have just told her we had something else planned."

"You were being nice." Pacifica leaned her head on his shoulder.

Dipper immediately scoffed, "I'm not 'nice'."

"Yes you are." was Pacifica's wise reply. "You're super duper nice, but you pretend to never be impressed by anything. You're like a big storm cloud."

"A big storm cloud." Dipper repeated, dumbfounded.

"Yes, a big storm cloud." She continued. "You have this 'Nothing impresses me, I don't see why everyone thinks this is so great' aura surrounding you. It's kind of adorable."

"Adorable?" Dipper was absolutely flummoxed. "If anything, you're the adorable one."

"Nope," She tapped his nose with one of her fingers, "you are."

"I doubt that very much."

"You doubt everything!" Pacifica whacked once more. "I doubt this, I doubt that, it's always the same with you."

Dipper would have said something in return, if he wasn't laughing at her. "Fair enough. Can we watch the movie now?"

"Nope, because we're discussing your personality." In truth, Pacifica was stalling. She didn't want to watch a scary movie. How Dipper even convinced her was beyond her. "It's a very serious topic and could take all night."

"Lovely." Dipper snatched the remote from the side table. "We can discuss my mood swings later."

"Did you just call them mood swings?" Pacifica choked back her laughter.

"Mabel used to call them that." Dipper muttered.

"You were such a moody teenager." Pacifica chuckled.

"I'm still a teenager." He responded. "And so are you."

"But I'm more mature." Pacifica reasoned. "Much more."

"Says the one who literally stomped her feet to get her Sketchers to light up when we were lost in the woods last summer." Dipper chortled.

"We never would have escaped the woods if it weren't for my Sketchers." Pacifica frowned. "Face it, my Sketchers saved your life."

"No they did not." Dipper rolled his eyes.

"They so did."

"They did not."

"They did."







"Pazzie, this could go on forever." Dipper sighed. "Can we please watch the movie now?"

"But I'd much rather talk to you." Pacifica played with a piece of her hair. "It's much more fun."

Dipper nodded slowly. "Alright. What would you like to talk about?"

"When did you fall for me?" Pacifica asked. This was a question she had always wanted to ask, but never got around to asking about. "And don't say 'the moment I saw you' because that's horrible cheesy."

"Hmm," Dipper droned. "Perhaps it was after all those times I saved you from nearly dying. After I told myself I had to keep an eye on you so you wouldn't die, I guess I got attached to you."

"Aw, so sweet." Pacifica smiled and poked his cheek.

"When did you fall for me?" Dipper raised a brow. "And feel free to say 'the moment I saw you' because I'm just that attractive."

Now it was Pacifica's turn to roll her eyes. "No, when I first met you, I thought you were incredibly arrogant. And you know what?"

Dipper leaned closer to her, his face only centimeters away from hers. "What?"

"You're still just as arrogant." Pacifica smiled innocently.

"That's false information." Dipper responded rather quickly.

"How so?"

"I am indeed less arrogant than I was when the two of us first met." Dipper nodded firmly like he was still trying to convince himself.

"Whatever you say, Dippy." Pacifica shook her head.

"Don't call me Dippy." Dipper groaned as he pressed play for the movie.

Not even ten minutes into the movie, Pacifica turned her head and saw that Dipper had fallen asleep!

She shook her head at the magician and kissed his forehead, hoping he'd wake up.

He did not. He was that tired.

Pacifica rolled her eyes and leaned her head on his shoulder once more. "Love you, Dipper."

Please request!

-Kaori Miyazono <3

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